Organization for high school!


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Jul 23, 2013

Trinity D.

I'm going to be a freshman. I want to know what organization tips for school and home. Anything I should know about high school, tips? Also any websites for organization things like bins or baskets thanks so much I don't get nervous easily but I'm worried tht the de kids will be rude or obnoxious I don't know any tips will be helpful though thank you.

Jul 23, 2013

Angel O.

Tips: be yourself
be careful of who you trust
don't pick fights
organize locker with books n the order you have classes in your schedule, check out walmart or target to get organization shelves mirror and holders

Jul 24, 2013

Michelle H.

I'm a sphomore angel is right be very carefull who you trust and if you go to a party make sure you take a sibling or a tsusted girlfriend just incase you push the limits.And don't be afraid to ask parents or other trusted alduts for advice.

Jul 24, 2013

Trinity D.


Jul 24, 2013

Trinity D.

Especially with be careful who you trust I definitely need help with that.

Jul 24, 2013

Micheala S.

I'm a junoir and one of the best tips I can give you is make sure to befriend your teachers and counselors answer all of their questions even if you don't know the answers theyll appericate the effort even if its wrong people may call you teachers pet but youll get the better grade while they're in summer school due to not paying attention. for organization I would say do what angel said and put the books in order of your classes or if you don't have a locker ask your teachers if you can put the supplies for that class in their room. Good luck in high school.

Trinity D.

Jacksonville, Florida