Tutorials and Name Brands


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So, I'm just starting out with makeup tutorials. And as someone who doesn't have money to spend on makeup, I typically buy the cheapest thing that can get the job done. My question is: when you watch a tutorial do you care if the person just says, "light blue color with a purple unndertone" and "fluffy brush" versus Mac this, Urban Decay that?

Jun 7, 2012

Tracyanna L.

I make makeup tutorials also. Me personally, if the makeup is super impressive and outstandingly good, I'm gonna be pretty curious to know what they used. But if the tutorial is something plain and simple that can be found and everywhere on youtube, then I probably wouldn't even watch the whole thing.

People are going to want to know what you're doing. They will ask like crazy! It doesn't matter if your stuff is cheap. If people feel like it looks good then they will want to know.

thanks! I always make sure to be super specific on the shade, but I will definitely keep your advice in mind for my next vids.

Jun 8, 2012

Tracyanna L.

No problem! But awesome :)

Maybe you can be specific about the shade during the tutorial and list the exact products used under the description bar. I'm sure people will be happy to find out they can achieve awesome looks without spending an arm and a leg.