Hot to curl lashes?


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Ok so I am good doing my own lashes, but how about others...
either they feel I am gonna take their eyes out or I just feel nervous about it :(
what are some trick to curl other people's lashes?
any videos, tips or tricks for this, because is really bothersom having to tell the person "Would do me the favor to curl your own lashes" like seriously NO!!!!!

Jun 9, 2012

Shelly T.

"There's nothing to it but to do it."

Get the curlers as close to the start of their lashes (read: the eyelid) as possible. Squeeze lightly. Ask the client if they're comfortable. If they are, continue as usual. If not, move them away from the lid a little bit and try again.

Jun 11, 2012

Hasini J.

tell them to look down. then use a cotton swab or a Q-tip and place it against their eyelid. then pull the lid up using the cotton swab so that their lids are pulled back. usually when you feel pain when curling it's because you've clamped down on excess eyelid skin so pulling the lid away will help with that. then place the curlers on their lashes as if you're about to curl them. then squeeze GENTLY and ask if the pressure hurts. if not, squeeze a little tighter and tell them to let you know immediately if it starts hurting. also make sure to grab a lighter and place it against the lash curler head for 5 seconds on each side. test it against the back of your hand by placing the curler there to make sure it's not too warm. then curl. this will make sure you'll get a more ... curly... :P curl, and so you won't have to keep re-curling xx

thank you that's very helpful :)