Graduation MakeUp! Help!


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Tomorrow I graduate high school. Below is a picture of my dress. The top half is a lighter royal blue and the bottom is a blue-gray color. I don't know how to do my makeup tomorrow! Please Help! :D

Jun 3, 2012

Karina Y.

Pretty dress! I would say a gray/silver smokey eye would look good with that blue.

Jun 4, 2012

Dixie F.

Its a really pretty dress, But i would say that a nice simple make up. Like natural eyes and eyeliner with a wing and some nice pink lip gloss. maybe a simple navy and royal blue smoke. :) 

i like their ideas of the smokey eye. i would add a touch of glitter to the sides of your eyes. it adds a nice touch..thats what i did! oh, and your dress is so cute!

Jun 4, 2012

Alli M.

Do a gray smokey eye :) would look fab with the blue and black! Just remember to keep the cheeks and lips more naturel if you do a dramatic eye! Good luck

Thank you guys for all of your help!
I ended up doing a very subtle smokey eye with Sugarpills Tiara pigment and a brown in the crease just to give it dimension!

Jun 5, 2012

Catey P.

There will probably be WAY too many pictures taken of you, so keep that in mind. You'll want a look (with products) that will photograph well, so remember to contour and highlight. False eyelashes would be a good idea. If you're not used to wearing them, clump lashes are much easier than full strips.

And if your graduation is anything like mine (and the 4 others I've been to this season), it will be HOT in there! You'll probably be waiting around for hours in a room full of people without air conditioning. So stick to something that won't slide off when you sweat.

My 2 cents: if you're planning on wearing your cap in a lot of pictures, you could balance your look by doing a bold lip with simpler eye makeup.
