Eye Shadow Blending!?


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Jul 16, 2013

Ashley V.

So I used to be super obsessed with makeup, but after I had my son it became a chore to even put foundation on. now that he's older (an now that I can actually get some sleep) I'm back in tje game!;)
however, I seem to be a lil rusty with my blending skills. (something I used to be great at!)
so, my question is, do yu have any eyeshadow blending secrets? suggestions? tips?
thanx in advance beautys!

Jul 16, 2013

Whyte W.

Keep a light hand with the brush and move over the area in small circular motions :)

Jul 16, 2013

Becca S.

I agree ^ it's just a matter of slowly doing it so you don't dull out the shadow but so it's still blended enough :)

Jul 16, 2013

Mary P.

I would also recommend doing your makeup with natural light (maybe sit next to a window) Because florescent light usually have a yellow tint so it might alter the colors from how you actually want it.