Smokey Eye Confusion


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Jul 18, 2013

Lauren M.


I saw this article and thought it would help cease any kind of confusion between what a smokey eye is and isn't. I actually found it helped clarify some things for me on top of learning a LOT from Jacqueline! :)

Jul 18, 2013

Jareka B.

Thanks for the article.

Jul 18, 2013

Lauren M.

Thanks, Jacqueline! I used to think a smokey eye was a light color all over with a darker color in the crease blended out until I came on here and you showed me the way! :) haha! Education is power! :)

Jul 18, 2013

Lauren M.

Great minds think alike!! :)

Jul 18, 2013

Artika G.

I knew it! I have always been so confused when people treat the smokey eye like some Holy Grail. Personally, it's the easiest look I can do. You could even do a subtle version with your eyeliner.

Jul 18, 2013

Alma M.

Glad you were able to share this article so their is a understanding of the technique  :-)

Jul 19, 2013

Nikelle B.

Wow! this really helped me understand. @ Lauren.. I pretty much thought the same thing you did. now I have to try this... the right way! lol.

Lauren M.

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