Quick, Easy Hairstyles?


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Jul 17, 2013

Emily B.

Schools coming up soon and it'd be great to try some new styles. Any suggestions?

Jul 17, 2013

Mackenzie S.

Try side braids and top knots. Or you could curl your hair and then brush it out for some soft waves (:

Jul 17, 2013

Ashley G.

Side braids are easy, learn how to French braid it so you can make it more elaborate, fish tail braids are very popular, I always go for strait, but switch between twisting my bangs on each side of my head with a middle part or just pinning my bangs to the side.

Jul 17, 2013

Emily B.

Thanks for suggestions but I think my hairs too short for side braids.

Jul 17, 2013

Lauren N.

French braids, buns, cute ponytails

Jul 17, 2013

Hannah C.

Braid your hair at night and you'll wake up with pretty beachy waves. It looks good wavy with a now in the center of the back of your head.

Jul 17, 2013

Hannah C.


Jul 17, 2013

Raegan H.

Do a messy bun, messy fishtail, sock bun.

Jul 17, 2013

Zoey D.

I love a side inside out pony tail into a fish tail braid , or sock bun.