Cellulite Help!! Omg


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May 2, 2013

F F.

I'm so curious o try it out myself!:)

May 3, 2013

Arial E.

Mix coconut oil and instant coffee. rub it on problem areas for as long as you can. that's what I do before every shower and I have noticed results. plus exercise your behind.

May 3, 2013

Indra B.

Using coffee grounds or tea bags is just as effective and cheaper. It just lessens the appearance.
Cellulite is a sad genetic fact for 90 percent of women an 10 percent of men according to Scientific American. No lotion or cream will fix it, just like no cream will magically lift my boobs or give me a cleft chin.

May 3, 2013

Misty F.

Here you go girl.

May 3, 2013

Coco C.

Okey thanks for all of you girls.