Rogaine for eyebrows??!!✌


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May 3, 2013

Ashlee R.

So in junior high I foolishly plucked all mg brows and since then they have yet to grow in the same! Has anyone had experience using rogaine for eyebrow regrowth? I'm starting it tonight and will be doing 2x per day with a q tip and hoping to see some results.

May 3, 2013

Nara R.

Interesting I've thought of this but not game enough to try please post how it's going.

May 3, 2013

Eileen A.

Yes please let us know how that goes! :)

May 3, 2013

Alma M.

I've seen that, it should work but if not try the lash serum on your brows that works  :-)

May 3, 2013

Ashlee R.

Here is a picture before I apply my brows😔

May 3, 2013

Ashlee R.

And after! Such a big difference! I want to grow my brows back so I won't have to put so much work into applying them! I use Sonia kashuk brow pencil along with Mac eyeshadow in espresso. I hate having to constantly apply product and hope that the rogaine will bring my brows back! I will keep you all posted