Chemically straightened hair


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May 12, 2013

Alix F.

Girls! I want to get my hair chemically straightened.. what are your thoughts?!

May 12, 2013

Alix F.

I have no damage to it

May 12, 2013

Stephanie M.

Do it.

May 12, 2013

Tiffany F.

Don't do it it will mess up your hair texture n health and can make you lose hair.

May 12, 2013

Golden G.

Nooo don't do it

May 13, 2013

Kelly M.

I've looked into it but I've never done it. I've heard that it can cause your hair to look weird as it grows back with its normal texture. If you get it chemically straightened it will look fine for a while, but as your hair starts to grow back wavy/curly, it will leave you with wavy/curly roots and straight ends until it all grows out completely, and that could take a long time.
So to keep it from looking weird, you'll have to either keep doing treatments, or straighten the hair that grows back wavy/curly (which kind of defeats the purpose of having it chemically straightened).

May 13, 2013

Charlese C.

Don't do it I did mine and I regret it cause if you choose not to keep chemically straightening it it sucks to let grow out cause then it is un even the new growth is curly the rest is straight also it can damage your hair you can always do natural things to keep it straighter.