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May 13, 2013

Hannah B.

I'm a nail biter. I do it for al the reasons you have always heard and I hate it! I have the ugliest nails ever and I wanted to know: How do you turn these nails,

May 13, 2013

Hannah B.

Into these ones?

May 13, 2013

Hannah B.

They are beautiful!! <3 I will do it!! thank you so so so much!

May 13, 2013

Emily W.

There are products designed to discourage biting that are available at most drugstores. You paint it on like clear nail polish and it tastes extremely bitter. Or, if you get your nails done and get acrylics or even just paint them nicely it can discourage biting because you don't want to ruin the manicure (and waste your money).

May 13, 2013

Kiki N.

I'm still currently growing out my nails and they aren't the same length (due to me chewing them!), but what I do is paint them a very dark or very light color. It makes me not want to chew them because it would mess them up!

May 13, 2013

Michaela H.

I stopped biting my nails from just wanting long nails haha just remember not biting them will pay off I suppose.

May 13, 2013

Lara W.

Think of all the dirt and nasty stuff that doesn't get washed out from under your nails on a daily basis, thats what helped my stop chewing mine.

May 13, 2013

Kelsey B.

I used to bite mine too! But instead of using a product that tastes bad to make you not bite them, I just put clear coat on and it made me stop! Try it out(:

May 13, 2013

Hannah B.

I have tried pretty Colors it just made me want to bite them more. The mind over matter deal Have not been the best with me in the past because I can't make myself notice I'm biting my nails And stop it...

May 13, 2013

Hannah B.

But I will try all these things again some of these are new that I have hope for thank you!!

May 13, 2013

Sherry H.

Wear gloves

May 13, 2013

Nicole F.

Keep a rubber band around your wrist and snap or every time you go to bite your nails, eventually you'll condition yourself not to and then when the start to look beautiful you won't want to! :) Also, I suggest that once your nails are grown to at least the tips of your fingers you go have your cuticles professionally manicured. They severely need to be softened, pushed back and possibly cut (don't worry, that doesn't hurt at all). One you get that done you will kit believe how different your nail beds will look. You need to moisturize and massage your nail beds every day with a cuticle oil or lotion. It's going to take time and tons of commitment to get beautiful, refined nails. My new years resolution was to get my nails looking perfect and they're just now looking how I've always wanted. I did a lot of research on nail care, nail products and nail anatomy and watched tons of videos. It takes dedication, especially when you're a severe nail bitter, but trust me, having those gorgeous nails is soooo worth it! :)

May 13, 2013

Nicole F.

Oh and don't get acrylic, please! All they do is cover up the problem and in the end make nails worse. They're expensive and all around just not good. Working towards having beautiful natural nails is far more worth it. Plus I think they're uncomfortable and I actually bite them more.

May 13, 2013

Hannah B.

Thank you Nicole!! Last light I did some deep conditioning and such and I'm really taking all of your advice to heart! They are already starting to look better! The rubber band idea sounds perfect! Thank you girls so so much!(: How much would it cost to do my cuticles? Lol I have obviously never had my nails done!

May 13, 2013

Nicole F.

To just get a manicure, without polish, probably $15-$25 it really just depends on the salon. It is worth it though, because once they do the initial hard work cuticle care you can just continue upkeep.

May 13, 2013

Nicole F.

Plus, while getting a manicure you can watch there technique, see which tools and products they use and ask any questions you want. They're like doctors of nail beauty lol.

May 13, 2013

Hilarie D.

I chewed my nails for almost 10 years!! I tried EVERYTHING, the awful tasting polish, nail strengtheners, lemon juice, you name it. What really helped me stop was watching nail tutorial videos, because it would make me really want long nails so I could paint them all the time. I also made a habit to paint them even when they were super short and spend a long time filing them. When I'd go to chew or bite I'd see my hard work and I wouldn't want to ruin it. it took a very long time but I've finally stopped almost for good! Now I find I rarely catch myself, and when I do I immediately wash my hands and try and fix up the damage. A good tip is to carry nail clippers and a file in your purse and with you at all times. That way if you hook a nail, or if one looks jagged, instead of being tempted to bite you can fix it properly!
hope it helps, good luck with quitting, your hard work will pay off!

May 13, 2013

Hannah B.

Thank you Hilarie! xoxo this gives me so much hope!! I can't wait to be done with nail biting for good! Thank you all for helping me out and not judging me for my terrible habit!