Can toilet paper fix my foundation!?


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Now before you start thinking "omg ew, why would I put it on my face?". This little money saving trick works wonders. Some of you might already know this little trick.
1) Peel the toilet paper.
2) Apply foundation also works to remove excess oils from skin and moisturizer).
3) Blot face with toilet paper as if it were blotting paper.
4) set foundation and continue with normal routine.
DONE. I find that this keeps my foundation on my face so much longer and is as cheap as well toilet roll.
Hope you found this little trick useful!

May 7, 2013

Katarina M.

Does it just take away excess oil? :)

May 7, 2013

Katarina M.

You look FLAWLESS btw! :) so pretty

May 7, 2013

Aoife M.

I do that all the time I'm glad I'm nor the only one my friends thought I was crazy :)

May 7, 2013

Aoife M.


May 8, 2013

Lauren M.

That's awesome! Thanks for the tip, I'll be sure to try it out tomorrow! :) (By the way, you have gorgeous eyes!)

Katarina M. Basically, and it allows the foundation to sit so much better on the skin I find! and thank you!

Erica P. Yup, blot after you apply moisturiser to avoid excess oil and after applying foundation! :)

Aofie M. I know, some people will just never try it!

Lauren M. No problem, I'm thinking of doing more tip based videos. And thank you, not heard that in a while!