The Beauty Blender?


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May 8, 2013

Jenny L.

I not sure what the beauty blender is and what it does, but is seems to be a favorite.
Would you recommend for me?
-starting out in makeup
-about 14 years old
~thanks ;)

May 9, 2013

Lala M.

They just came out with an article right here on beautylish. I'll give you the link to make it easier for you:

and it's about $20 for one sponge so I feel like that's a lot to spend if you're just starting out... but it's up to you. hope that helps!

May 9, 2013

Ashley D.

I'm 14 and love it, don't let anyone tell you different, also don't waste.your time and money on dupes,.they aren't worth it, even if they are $1, but I would check out some YouTube reviews before you buy it because.they are a bit pricey but if you wait you can get a awesome deal,.I got my 2 pack for $20. Hope I helped. And like I said check out some.videos to make sure its would be interested in =)

May 9, 2013

Roz X.

Love it. Great for dry skin foundation and primer application.

May 11, 2013

Jenny L.

thank a bunch ;)

May 12, 2013

Shai M.

Definitely check out the YT videos so you can see how people are using it. But I would suggest first picking up a cheapy dupe to try out and practice with to see if this technique for applying your makeup will work for you. Some people just can't get the hang of using these and opt to stick with brushes/fingers. Best to have some idea before investing $20 for a sponge. That's how I approached it and I while found a few great dupes, I definitely will purchase the real Beauty Blender.