Big brown eyes and dark eyebrows.


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May 25, 2013

Chelsea S.

Sometimes I have issues because I want to try a lot of looks with darker shadows and liners but it looks so intense on me so fast. My eyes look huge and end up looking like I overdid it.  Suggestions?

May 25, 2013

Julie W.

Try lining your top lid only with a black or brown gel liner (recommend Mac fluid line gel liner & angle brush) and this is KEY, you only want to line 3/4 of your lid starting from the putter corner...IF you bring the liner right to the inner corner of your lid it will make your eyes look MORE round. Angelina Jolie uses this technique to give her eyes a more ALMOND shape :) try lining your water line with brown pencil for an evening look only. Remember, darker shadows are best left for night clubs, you are naturally beautiful which is what we all love...especially guys :-)

May 25, 2013

Julie W.

*outter corner

May 25, 2013

Jan P.

Good question Chelsea and thank you Julie. I have the same problem, now I'm going to try this technique :)