Anyone ever changed their diet to improve their skin?
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May 23, 2013
Mica O.
I saw a quote that I found pretty profound when it comes to general skin care in relation to one's diet:
"I believe that what you put in your body is just as important as what you put on your body. For a time, I would load up on SPF, day cream, night cream, acne washes, serums, etc- then I would go out and eat something like Chick-Fil-A. Then it hit me, my huge routine that I was taking could be cut down just if I switched my diet to something healthier. I try to eat only 1 fruit a day because of the sugar, but I eat veggies with every meal. And I can say it has made a huge difference!"
Do any of you guys have a "skin conscious" diet or have seen results when you eat healthier?
May 23, 2013
Ellie B.
I do notice my skin glows when I eat healthier. For sure diet has a big impact!
Carrots are great for the skin! And I've heard sweet potatoes as well.
At one point I was eating beans every other day and people complimented my skin a lot!
May 23, 2013
Devyani G.
Yes. I believe in what you are is what you eat. applying creams doesn't help much as eating healthy as it just superficial thing. if your body skin hair gets vital nutrients from within..they will stay healthy and fine. creams don't help much as you are just applying to the surface!!
also fruits, vegetables contain antioxidants which help fighting aging.
May 23, 2013
Zoey A.
I cut out cow milk, soft drinks, chocolate, and candy. :))
May 23, 2013
Erin M.
What you eat has a huge impact on your skin, but don't change my diet because of it. I eat what I can when I can because of my lifestyle, most of the times this means eating 1-2 times a day and a lot of the time one of those meals is fast food. But I also work out, don't drink soda, and drink a lot of water and tea and my skin is pretty clear and smooth. Now I'm not saying eat like me because that's just a bad idea and not healthy, but just be a little more mindful of everything you put in you body as it does make a difference. When I eat healthy I wake up feeling better then when I had McDonalds the night before.
May 23, 2013
Carmela C.
Yes diet does have an impact on skin! I cut out soda, fast food, candy, anything that has high sodium too.. Foods like salmon: great for skin, carrots: good on eyes. ooh and WATER is a must for great healthy skin!
May 23, 2013
Diana T.
I notice what I eat affects my skin for sure if I eat healthy like salads and veggies for a week I notice I have less pimples then when I eat a bunch of fried food - I also have psoriasis which is also sensitive to the foods I eat as well as any products I put on it and the weather/environment as well as my immune system - so I think there are many factors that play into skin health that cannot all be controlled by what you eat but if eating healthy improves your skin then I don't see why more people don't at least try it and see if it helps :)
May 23, 2013
Jillian K.
I always try to incorporate nuts and seeds into my diet (almonds, walnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, etc.) They have essential fatty acids and sooo many good vitamins I think it makes a huge difference with my skin.
May 23, 2013
Mia Taryn B.
Ok, I'm going to rant, watch out. I see all these "fitness" experts and read all these blogs saying not to freakin eat fruit because of all the sugar that it contains. Really? I mean even people saying, "I only eat on piece of fruit a day..." Oh my gosh, fruit is so good for you! It contains so many antioxidants and cancer fighting properties, promotes healthy cell rejuvenation...the list goes on and on. I mean, yeah, you don't want to eat a wheelbarrow full of fruit everyday, but damn it bugs me to hear people doggin on fruit all the time lately. What will our children think? "Don't eat that apple honey, it will make your butt look too big." Seriously. End rant. :-)
May 23, 2013
Jaime T.
Healthy inside makes a healthy outside! "You are what you eat." They weren't kidding when they said that! I'm changing my diet, and I can tell a difference. My undereyes aren't as dark, rosacea decreasing, acne slowly under control, and I'm more energized! Really research and understand which foods can help you. Moderation is a key, too.
May 23, 2013
Emma C.
After I almost completely cut out dairy I've noticed a huge improvement in my skin and overall health. water and lots of it is soooo important!
May 23, 2013
Alyssa D.
A lot people lack vitamin D. Everything has sun sceen in it nowadays. It is in our prime, foundation, chapstick and, moisturizer. The meat in america, unless orgainic/cagefree, lack a lot of the vitamin due to the animals being stored in warehouse with no contact to the outside to meet mass quantities. Our milk is enhanced with a lot of man made steroids and hormones with counter act with the effects of vitamin D even if the milk is labeled as such. I started taking a vitamin d3 (there is a difference) supplement with magnesium and zinc. My skin has improved within a month. Thats why your skin clears up if you've been in the sun. It might not work for all,but its done wonders for me!
May 25, 2013
Mica O.
@Alyssa: Yeah, there are actual studies showing the effect of UV rays in clearing out acne (since it kills the microbes inducing the inflammation).