What kind of tattoo do you want?


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May 22, 2013

Georgia R.

I'd like a crow behind my ear and a Dr Seuss poem running along my fingers.

May 22, 2013

Sharon K.

@Marisol I love Nightmare Before Christmass. (:

May 22, 2013

Sharon K.

@Georgia oh my goshh, the Dr.suess poeam would be cute. (:

May 22, 2013

Sharon K.

@Jessica yes exactly. (:

May 22, 2013

Jessica S.

Thanks Sharon I don't mean to be harsh but if you don't like tattoos don't get them tattoos aren't for everyone.

May 22, 2013

Megan B.

I'm getting this, but with a vintage frame around it, done on my right thigh in three weeks. :)

May 22, 2013

Jessica S.

Thats really beautiful!:) @Megan B.

May 22, 2013

Shantele V.

@Megan B I've drawn that photo before haha. I'm personally really into tribal art and love to draw anything tribal so I'm looking for a really nice tribal image for my right shoulder :)

May 22, 2013

Sharon K.

@megan thats really cool! (:

May 22, 2013

Naomi C.

Mine's really nerdy but I want the harry potter deathly hallows sign :')

May 22, 2013

Vaishnavi T.

I want a little fairy on my ankle.

May 22, 2013

Becca S.

This is mine, on my shoulder blade. It's my parents names

May 22, 2013

Fabienne V.

I'd love to have a tattoo like this <3.

May 22, 2013

Laura Munk C.

I want the sign of theatre behind my ear or somewhere else, where I can easily hide it. If you don't know the sign of theatre, it's a sad mask and a happy mask.

May 22, 2013

May A.

I'd love to get something referencing my favorite show, Doctor Who, just because it's been with me since I was a little kid. And maybe I'd get something alone my shoulders, probably stars or cherry blossoms.

May 22, 2013

Indira E.

This on my shoulder blade

May 22, 2013

Brittany J.

I want this!

May 22, 2013

Rially P.

This would be cute on the bottom of your wrist. Put a beloved ones name onto it. My friend did that when her mom died.

May 22, 2013

Sharon K.

Ohmtgosh. Everyone's tattoos are so beautiful<33.

May 22, 2013

Freya P.

I want something that really means a lot to me, so not something I just think is cute. I just haven't thought of anything yet lol but oh well no rush right(:

May 22, 2013

Sharon K.

@freya ahah yeah. (: I want these tattoos nof because they're cute but they have meaning behind them.

May 22, 2013

Freya P.

@Sharon yea I really like the design you have(: are you getting it anytime soon? I'd love to see it on you(:

May 22, 2013

Sharon K.

@Freya yes maybe. I honestly want to but I'm debating when I should because I know that it'll be sore, swollwn, and red. So I'm trying to find the perfect time too. (:

May 22, 2013

Jenna E.

@naomi lol mine is somewhat similar to yours! But instead of harry potter I want the mortal instruments or the infernal devices! For tmi it could be "to love is to destroy"

May 22, 2013

Rachel M.

This is what I have it means strength faith love courage hope! I want a bunch more they are addicting! :)