Trip To Texas! Wardrobe Ideas?


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Jun 3, 2013

Ashley W.

I'm going to SanAntonio to visit my family and since I can only bring one bag (limited car space) I wanna know what kind of makeup I should bring and what kind of shoes and clothes. Please help?

Jun 3, 2013

Niki W.

Shorts and tanks, flip flops and other sandles its hot and humid here!

Jun 3, 2013

Ashley W.

So maybe foundation and water proof mascara? Haha thanks!!

Jun 3, 2013

Niki W.

Make up a light bb cream some mascara and lip glose you don't need much else unless you want to sweat it off because like I said its hot and humid

Jun 3, 2013

Niki W.

San Antonio is so much fun enjoy! go to the River walk and the Mall if you can!

Its warm so basic tanks & shorts won't take up that much room :) flip flops are compact and are fine when squished (unlike wedges, or strappy sandals). For makeup just bring bb cream, mascara, lash curler, some blotting sheets or powder to touch up with :) Have fun!!

Jun 3, 2013

Lynzie B.

It's really hot here. Shorts, skirts, tanks, sandals, waterproof makeup, and bathing suit. Maybe one outfit for rain cause its also been raining a lot lately.

Jun 3, 2013

Lynzie B.


Jun 4, 2013

Elizabeth K.

Light clothes and more natural looking makeup. It's hot there especially in the summer so just clothes that are comfortable.

Jun 4, 2013

Allie H.

It's pretty hot here and if you are coming later in the summer it will be even hotter! You're going to want shorts and tank tops for sure!

Jun 4, 2013

Bemnia L.

Definitely waterproof makeup, powder, sandals, leggings, shorts, tank tops, and a hoodie or 2 depending on the color.

Jun 4, 2013

Sweet C.

OMG, its so hot there! You need shorts, flip flops and camis. For makeup, go for anything waterproof. Good luck. <3.

Jun 4, 2013

Mayra S.

Shirts and tank tops. I live in Texas and its really hot!!

Jun 4, 2013

Katy K.

Waterproof makeup; oil absorbing sheets; de-frizz serum; high waisted shorts; crop tops; light maxi srewsses.

Jun 4, 2013

Katy K.


Jun 4, 2013

Julia D.

I live in Texas to so I can safely say anything but jeans and long sleeve shirts.

Jun 4, 2013

Olivia W.

NO WAY! I live in San Antonio!! The air feels thick and humid now, and when it's during the day the sun totally beats down on you. Sometimes nights can get a little chilly though so bringing another layer wouldn't hurt (:

Jun 4, 2013

Izzy N.

Bring a sweater and capris I live here and it get windy at night.

Jun 4, 2013

Liz R.

I live in Texas. its super hot ecspecially to people who aren't from around here lol. shorts,t-shirts and flip flops will be your best friend. nothing tight or thick :) also, sun dresses are really comfy when its hot.

Jun 6, 2013

Ashley W.

Okay how hot is hot? Haha I live in Tucson AZ and practice in 105 degree weather at 6:00 so I'm used to heat haha. I'm going to 6 flags and the riverwalk because of tradition. I'm leaving tomorrow around 6 SA time so I'm needing to pack ASAP.