Acne Scars.. Please Help!


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May 25, 2013

Lauren A.

I would suggest using bio-oil for your scars, it may also help being down the redness xoxo.

May 25, 2013

Rachelle S.

Get a tan :)

May 25, 2013

Sarah M.

Lemon juice. Aloe Vera. Tea tree oil...

May 25, 2013

Sarah M.

Concealer for the redness

May 25, 2013

Indira E.

Neautrogena oil free acne wash helps and lemon helps too

May 25, 2013

Indira E.

Neutrogena*  sorry

May 26, 2013

Emily T.

Neosporin it helped get rid of embarrassing scars on my face.