Oily T Zone & dewy skin?


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May 27, 2013

Ashley L.

I love the dewy skin look, the only problem I have is I can get pretty slick in my T Zone, how can I achieve this look without looking like a grease ball? Also what are y'all's recommendations on a foundation and products that help y'all achieve this look?

May 27, 2013

Mikayla G.

Dream Fresh BB Cream would help a lot and use a face exfoliator!!(: just sugar and lemon juice or until its like a paste(:

May 27, 2013

Dejah W.

Rimmel stay matte powder.

May 27, 2013

Alessandra L.

I agree with shannon t. I have the exact same problem and I use UD's deslick and I never get oily where I put it. I also use benefits watts up on the bridge of my nose and cheek bones to look more illuminized.

May 27, 2013

Ashley L.

Thanks a ton ladies