Please Help!


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May 17, 2013

Aisha L.

A couple of people in my family keep pointing out that on the top of my head it looks like I'm losing a lot of hair.I'm scared its becoming a bald spot! I'm only 17 and I'm really freaking out what should I do!? does anyone know what's causing this? please I'm really desperate.

May 17, 2013

Crapzor R.

Stress, malnourishment, hormonal imbalance..It could be a lot of things.

May 17, 2013

Aisha L.

What should I do?

May 17, 2013

Crapzor R.

Simplest explaination is some sort of malnourishment... Are you eating well? Have you recently done some sort of diet change? If yes, check so you're getting enough proteins.. Have a friend who tried to become a vegan and she lost a lot if hair due to the fact that she didn't get enough proteins.
If no, this could be hormonal or stress related. If you aren't stressed, you might want to go see a doctor to make sure that you're hormones are the way that they should, you might need a slight regulation?

Either way is this probably not a thing that'll be fixed overnight... :/

May 18, 2013

Aisha L.

Thank you sooooo much I'm defintly going to make an appointment with my doctor