Makeup I should wear?


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May 28, 2013

Megan C.

Keep in mind I'm 14 and I don't want a really extreme look, something more natural :)

May 28, 2013

Ashley W.

Maybe a BB cream and mascara?

May 28, 2013

Cierra A.

BB cream, mascara and maybe a style bit of eyeliner. Nothing to drastic.

May 28, 2013

Cierra A.


May 28, 2013

Megan C.


May 28, 2013

Cierra A.

&& if you want to try a shadows, you can get an eye color palette at any drug store for 5 dollars tops. They are natural, not too bold and make your eye color pop! :)

May 28, 2013

Misha S.

Clear lipgloss. may be a little eyeliner. I don't believe in girls wearing makeup from such a young age. I started when I was 12 and when I look back I'm all like "oh shit I looked so weird!"
you're still young and your features are still going to mature. since you're only 14, you could try concealer as well for trouble spots. other than that, you're kinda gorgeous. even at 14 (unlike I was lol) so you don't need much.