Any dermatitis sufferers out there?


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Mar 20, 2013

Shauna S.

I've suffered from dermatitis for years. What causes it is still unknown except for I know that I'm highly allergic to benzoyl peroxide. I've gotten random flare ups for years to many unknown substances. I get very bad and extremely itchy rashes on my face and chest. I've also had it on my legs for years and as a result I now have a lot of scars which is embarrassing. I've been to a dermatologist and they don't know what to do about it other than give me steroid cream which sometimes helps. I was wondering if anyone else goes through these struggles and how you deal with it?

Mar 20, 2013

Rachel G.

I've dealt with the same thing litterly since I can remember. mine started at 3months old. my face used to look like it was burned in a fire. I can seriously go on and on about this topic. except mine turned into eczema. I'm not sure what your doctor gave you but I'm currently on a ointment I apply always after the shower. it's called triamcinolone.
honestly the only way to truly deal with it is just love yourself even tho your body might turn against you. possibly see different dermatologist for different opinions and medicines. not to sound cheesy, just know your not alone. ice litterly spent my whole life hating my skin. your skin doesn't define you tho. also if you Google it you will find a lot more answers in there. good luck ♡

Mar 20, 2013

Angela T.

Yes I know how you feel. Been hospitalised a few times. Best thing for me is: moisturise as often as possible with Aveeno cream during the day and soft white paraffin at night. Use gloves and tubular bandages to keep treatments close to skin and protect clothes. Drink plenty of fluids, avoid hot water at all costs. Antihistamine tablets if you're in contact with allergens. High spf cream when in the sun such as Piz Buin allergy cream. Use steroids when skin flares up. Baby shower gels for washing and patch test everything before you use it such as dyes and makeup etc. Good luck!

Mar 20, 2013

Rachel G.

*I've not ice. lol.

Mar 20, 2013

Shauna S.

I feel your pain! It's the most annoying thing to have because doctors don't know how to treat it. I've been to countless doctors and dermatologists and they all say they can't tell the cause and there isn't a cure for it. I find nothing really helps except putting ice on it, it helps numb the itch and take away redness for a bit. Antihistamines don't help me because it's not an "allergy" it's a skin condition. I'm currently on betaderm cream which is the only thing that kind of helps. Have either of you found anything that helps take the itch away? I've never been able to find something that makes it stop.

Mar 20, 2013

Angela T.

Unfortunately nothing takes the itch away, sorry. Antihistamines reduce itch somewhat but for intense itch it's best to keep cool and apply steroids for no longer than seven days at a time. You must then reduce the strength until you're weaned off them. Use them for longer and you'll damage your skin. I used to be swarthy but my arms and legs are now mottled, yuk.

Mar 20, 2013

Angela T.

Ice is too cold, be careful as extreme temperatures ultimately make the itch worse. Tepid water is better.

Mar 20, 2013

Rachel G.

Absolutely nothing so far has helped me with itch. just keep your nails short to prevent infection.

Mar 20, 2013

Trish F.

I do as well. I'm allergic to fluoride so thats most toothpaste! If I let the toothpaste foam drip on my lips & chin I break out with these tiny pimples, it itches, and burns& it gets super red! I use warm washcloth & then use hydrocortisone. Usually takes days to heal. I'm also highly allergic to any nutragena Products. It sucks! Very frustrating.

Mar 20, 2013

Shauna S.

Wow trish that does sound horrible! It sucks that nothing can take the itch away but I guess we just have to find what works for us and hopefully one day there will be a cure.

Mar 20, 2013

Shelly P.

If you can go see a natropath natural healer.. Even goat soap I find helps me or even a bees wax lotion weird I know but they both work

Mar 20, 2013

Shauna S.

I've beem to one of those. I found it kind of weird. she was trying to tell me I was allergic to everything and then made me spend hundreds of dollars on her products only to find out I wasn't allergic to any of those things.

Mar 21, 2013

Diana S.

I got it on my leg right now from sitting in front of my cadet heaters way too much this last winter. My dermatologist prescribed 60 grams of Triamcinolone Acetonide cream for me to apply twice a day and after having this issue for several months its finally starting to heal!

Mar 21, 2013

silverkis M.

I know your pain... I've been there for as long as I can remember. Dermititis / eczema never goes away, but it can be controlled. It all stems from allergies, you've got to figure out what is triggering it off for you. Steroid creams help control flare-ups, but they leave scars and you need stronger and stronger doses over time. All I can say is, avoid soap (switch to mild cleansers), don't shower in hot water, pat dry not rub, etc. The hardest thing is not to scratch! *HUGS*  

Mar 21, 2013

Maxine B.

Dermatitis is inflamation of the dermis; the true skin layers. I get it on my hands and its just a case of keeping skin dry and clean with loads of moisturisers and emolient creams. avoid prolonged periods in water and fragranced products. try the clinique redness solutions range for the face :)

Mar 21, 2013

Trish F.

@ Elena ouch! Sorry all you ladies have to go through it. I've also read stress plays a role in it. So lets try to remain calm in this crazy world lol.

Mar 21, 2013

Shauna S.

Yeah I've been trying to figure out for years what triggers it. It first started when my friend through grass at me on my chest and I got a huge red rash but it never happened again. I have been to an allergist so many times but they say I have no allergies. I've been going through patch tests for things like chemicals, metals, lotions, fragrances, etc. but they've also found nothing. I just get random flare ups even though nothing in my life has changed. I think for me it might be caused from stress.

Mar 22, 2013

Trish F.

I know its frustrating. What about testing for foods? Do you keep a journal of when you get flare ups? If not maybe you should. When you flare up, note everything you ate & used on your skin. Maybe you can find the trigger that way? Also I read extreme weather change affects it.

Mar 22, 2013

Sura M.

Lush dream cream helped me a lot but I used it religiously.. also a natural product I use is called moogoo.. another amazing brand from austraila! totally natural.. google it and you will find their website.. I swear by it.

Mar 22, 2013

Shauna S.

@Trish, I've done food testing and nothing. I don't keep a log but there is literally no pattern in anything I eat or do. I do know certain things that trigger it, but it usually has to do with chemicals. Like sometimes at work I'll use a cleaning product and I can feel like I'm about to get a flare up so I can stop it with the cream. Other times I just randomly get it out of nowhere.

Mar 22, 2013

Trish F.

I just finished reading about a soap bar line called avedam & one of them is called ave-are & its for highpigmentation, irritated & dermatitis skin. Its not from the you.s tho but you can get it on amazon for $6.

Mar 22, 2013

Trish F.

Oh that sucks about work, I know just being in contact with some chemicals can cause a reaction. At least you know some things that trigger it.

Mar 22, 2013

Shauna S.

Thanks I'll have to check out that soap. I currently use a soap from those natural food stores with aloe and vitamin e and it works amazing.

Mar 23, 2013

Vanessa A.

I have suffered with dermatitis & eczema for a long time too. I have recently cleared it up by using olive oil & baking soda scrubs, Epsom salt baths, & coconut oil as a moisturizer. I try & only use fragrance free products & laundry detergent. One thing that I found I was allergic to was those little white strips on the razors. I also started drinking aloe juice & apple cider vinegar too. Not sure if it helps the dermatitis but, I feel a lot better.

Mar 24, 2013

Shauna S.

Thanks for the tips venessa! Hmm that's interesting about the razor strips. What do you use instead?