Help Help Help Help!! My Skin Is Getting Worse. I Need Suggestions.


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Apr 3, 2013

Teal S.

Have you tried something natural?

Apr 3, 2013

Samantha S.

Drink plenty of water and I heard that stress can cause acne

Apr 3, 2013

Teal S.

Water haah who would of thought that would work but it might?

Apr 3, 2013

Lily-shay G.

Have two face washes that you alternate every month. Your skin may have gotten used to the one you are using.

Apr 3, 2013

Samantha S.

Have you gone to a dermatologist?

Apr 6, 2013

Madi O.

First of all, good job going all natural. That helps for acne-sensitive skin heal. I have found 2 things to help tremendously- internal cleansing (your outsides show your inside) and healing the skin topically. And I know from experience because I have severe cystic acne that is getting better since I started this. Internally, you can do a cleanse (google) or you can go easier with just a "clean" diet- raw fruits and veggies, protein and only a little/no processed, sugared, or hi carb food. This helps with both hormones and toxins inside your body that create acne. Second, for healing acne outside 1st NO PICKING. I used to be a BAD picker as leaving skin alone, even with whiteheads, helps lots. Using calm products also helps. A basic Cerave, Cetaphil, or natural mild cleanser, a moisturizer and a spot treatment. But the things that help the most and are very very necessary are: probiotics (healing gut), antioxidants (green tea or topical cream-helps to heal) and ALOE VERA JUICE/GEL. Not only is it an antibacterial, but it's also amazing at healing. Like seriously, from one day to another it helped my skin so much. I think I've found my holy grail- and I was thinking about going on accutane (that bad). Also, has some very good products/ideas that you can incorporate if you look around. Also please get daily exercise and lots of vitamins. Zinc is notorious for help heal the skin, but look at the dose because too much is bad. Last, try to wear as little makeup as possible, and if you must, make sure it is non codmogenic (sp?). Hope this helps, it's helped me after 6 years of fighting acne!