Open Comedones! Need Help A.S.A.P.!!


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Apr 3, 2013

Mary R.

Dermalogica Adult Acne kit - it comes in a 30 day size to try it out!

Apr 3, 2013

Bianka L.

Yes it is definitely worthy try
Good luck and
Z follow me

Apr 3, 2013

Georgia M.

Does she wash her face every morning and night and moisturize after? Try using some witch hazel which you can find near the band-aids/ peroxide. I use it and it has really helped me with breakouts. Just squirt some on a cotton ball and rub it on the face. It doesn't burn at all. Hope this helps :)

Apr 3, 2013

Shelly B.

One more thing she might try is using Origin's charcoal mask. I can't even begin to tell you how much of a god send it is for my blackheads. Even after one use you can see a pretty big difference! Although, it obviously won't be totally fixed after one use.

It CAN be drying, so she'll definitely want to use a very good moisturizer. It's still pretty gentle though!

Apr 6, 2013

Madi O.

ALOE VERA!! HEALS BOTH DRY SKIN YET IS ANTIBACTERIAL AN HELPS ACNE!! When you first put it out it makes your skin tight, but it actually moisturizes.