Modest Swimsuit Ideas??


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Apr 1, 2013

Riley S.

Hi guys!
I am going to Disney in May and I an obviously going to wear swimsuits while there...
My problem is I am self conscious about my stomach and want to wear something that doesn't involve showing it! Any swimsuit ideas that aren't tight in the stomach area or show the stomach at all?

Apr 1, 2013

Cassidy R.

A really great Idea if you want to look slimmer in a swimsuit is a black one peice thats rouched (I don't think I spelled that right lol) because it draws more attention to your curves and not your size I hope this helped you out some :)

Apr 1, 2013

Cassidy R.

Also they are great because the rouching (again spelled wrong :)) makes it look a tad looser so again it doesn't draw attention to your size because its not tight :)

Apr 1, 2013

Abby B.

Just wear a bikini with board shorts and a tank top over, or find a coverup dress.

Apr 1, 2013

Alexa W.

Definitely a Tankini! Still chic but also doesn't show to much stomach!

Apr 2, 2013

Eryn D.

Wear a 50's style bathing suit. They are coming back into fashion and are so cute