Grow Please Grow!


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Mar 13, 2013

Diana B.

I used to have long curly hair and I made the stupid decision to cut it. now I'm on the massive mission to get my long hair back. do you guys have any tips to help the growth of my hair?

Mar 13, 2013

Sandra R.

Maine and tail shampoo and conditioner.

Mar 13, 2013

Amy P.

Indian head massager. It helped me. Anything that massages the scalp.

Mar 13, 2013

Rhianon L.

Hi, Diana
I am on the same path as you and I have learned a few tricks eat your vitamins , try not to use any heat tools on your hair as it is very damaging to your hair - I'm trying to go 3 months heatless which is a tough struggle but in trying it out. Most importantly eat healthy and drink enough water to keep you hydrated.
hopefully that helped you

Mar 13, 2013

Naomy B.

Same here! I read that natural food products are real good, water and headmassages..

Mar 13, 2013

Key H.

Stay away from heat. Wear protective styles which are hairstyles that require minimum manipulation. Moisturize your hair daily but stay away from harmful ingredients in your products such as any waxes, petroleum, lanolin, and mineral oil. There are sites out there for girls trying to grow their hair.

Mar 14, 2013

Alecia J.

Everyone's suggestions here are all great. Also one extra tip; it might sound strange but you should get regular cuts as that encourages growth. Good luck!