poof! scene!! Helpppppp


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Mar 27, 2013

Ava F.

I really love he whole scene punk poofy hair look, but I can' t dye, cut, my hair and I really don't want to tease it... help? suggestions and VIDEOS are greatly appreciated!! :-D here is what my hair is like now.

Mar 27, 2013

Sofia R.

When you get out of the shower brush your bangs the way you want them to go then bobbie pin them (tip:Bobbie pins hold longer wavy side down) do thus everytime you shower and your bangs will be "scene" when your hair is dry straighten it (:

Mar 27, 2013

Ava F.

Its just not in my budget at themoment.

Mar 27, 2013

Anastasia R.

I have the same issue! But I DO have scene hair :) I will put a picture up once my hair is done and give you some tips.

Mar 27, 2013

Sofia R.

It will be easier if you cut it but the way I explained it will work :)

Mar 27, 2013

Ava F.

Thank you SO much Anatasia!

Mar 27, 2013

Ava F.

tank chu :3

Mar 28, 2013

Kolbie B.

If you want color wot can get the microbead extensions from Sally's beauty supply! I've had my blue ones for a month and I love them!

Mar 28, 2013

Anastasia R.

Okay so this is kinda a crappy pic because usually I sleep on my hair and that makes it look good, but this is it. My mom is big on the no dyeing thing. So I got a simple cut with layers in the back and fringe in the front. If you want just pull your bangs sideways and secure with a bobby pin. For the back take a brush and back comb, then hairspray if necessary. Back combing does NOT hurt your hair! It's the brushing out part that does. You can skip that step and wash your hair instead. I have Super curly hair that I must straighten! But it seems your hair is naturally straight. So straighten it the night before and then style it in the morning. Any more questions? :)

Mar 28, 2013

Diana S.

If you can't dye it you can always just buy the temporary spray can color for hair at Sally 's or target I believe.

Mar 28, 2013

Diana S.

it washes off

Mar 28, 2013

Sofia R.

Sorry to disappoint but Anastasia doesn't have scene hair >.<

Mar 28, 2013

Anastasia R.

Ok Sofia no need to contradict you or anything but My hair isn't really done. It takes a LOT to turn and Afro into something attractive!! I would really love if you didn't judge my hair. I'm sorry that my mom doesn't let me dye my hair, and my hair dresser effed up my hairstyle that I had prior to this. Hair dressers don't know hell about "scene" hairstyles. Not my fault. And honestly was your comment really necessary, I'm just trying to help.

Mar 28, 2013

Sofia R.

I wasn't judging you hair. I never said I didn't like it. I love your hair. so calm down hun :)

Mar 28, 2013

Anastasia R.

It came off rude. Point Blank. And please don't call me "Hun" thanks for the hair compliment btw.

Mar 28, 2013

Sofia R.

Your wasn't rude at all. I'm sorry you took it that way. anyways I apologize if if came off rude :) ^^

Mar 28, 2013

Cherish L.

I'm a hair dresser who knows scene hair so don't speak for all of us love. Its sad to say that.

Mar 28, 2013

Megan M.

I use bed heads volumizing products and blow dry my hair upside down with them in. I tease it after though to get it really big...

Mar 28, 2013

Sammi G.

You could always cut your own hair instead of getting it done I cut mine myself >.<

Mar 28, 2013

Melanie H.

Personally I don't think the scene look would suit you! You have really soft features and you kind of already have a 'scene' look in my opinion

Mar 28, 2013

Mikayla J.

You can always cut it yourself I did mine myself. My hair use to kinda like yours until I cut it. I also think it's more of a unique hair style if you do it yourself.

Mar 28, 2013

Vanessa C.

When it's damp put in mousse. I love the Big Sexy Hair Mousse & The Suave Mousse combined. Put that on your roots, not just the top roots but also the under section. Blow dry your hair upside down. Straighten it, but just the parts under your ears(Hope that makes sense.) Brush some of your hair from the back to the front, and bobby pin to to stay at an angle to make big side bangs. Use hair chalk or temporary color sprays whenever you want some color:)

Mar 29, 2013

Ava F.

Thank you all so much! I really, really appreciate it :-)

Mar 29, 2013

Ava F.

Anastasia, I have a natural curly "afro" as well xD Thanks for the tips, and while your hair isn't full out scene, I like the subtlety of it and that's what I was looking for.