Dry Flaky Eyebrows


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Mar 28, 2013

Mollie K.

Does anyone elae have the problem where the skin beneath your eyebrows gets dry and flaky? How do you remedy it or avoid if? I generally take my tweezers and rub them back and fourth to loosen the dead skin (I know this sounds nasty) but I was curious if anyone else has this and how they treat or prevent it?

Mar 28, 2013

Savanna S.

My sister used to get this and she would just condition them in the shower when she was doing her hair.

Mar 28, 2013

Mollie K.


Mar 28, 2013

Liliana Z.

Funny that I was watching the show 'the doctors' on tv earlier and they were talking about the exact same problem. They said to apply baby oil on them after you shower.

Mar 28, 2013

Laura G.

Omg I have the same problem!

I have this problem too! At night time I apply Monistat chafing powder relief gel (it's a moisturizing serum & I use this as my primer too, you can get it at most drugstores for around $5) and just put a thick layer on over night and it will be fixed by the morning, litterally. This stuff is amazing for dry flaky skin, I use it every night, as well with bio oil at night because my skin is just naturally so dry- and either one of these will fix it. You can use vaseline too if you wanted, but I personally find that my skin doesn't soak up vaseline as well as using the Monistat Gel & I will wake up the next day with a greasy mess rather than soft moisturized skin. Just my opinion! Also another good moisturizer is aquaphor (what you use for tattoos) or pure vitamin E oil, if you have these in your medicine cabniet you can use them as well, and you will find one that works the best for you personally! :)