What hair products do you use?


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Mar 14, 2013

Kelly L.

How do you cure your hair? What products do you use? My hair is almost full of split ends and it's not as nice as it was two years ago. And also, do you know some products that make them grow faster? Thank's! xoxo.

Mar 14, 2013

Brittney C.

I use argan oil shampoo and conditioner and pantene daily moisturizer.I do a deep conditioner everytime I wash and get it trimmed every 6 weeks. I'm on a road to recovery as well due to a weave breaking my hair off but these products have helped a lot.

Mar 14, 2013

Kelly L.

Yes, I've been told that the argan oil is fabulous, but I couldn't really find it anywhere :| thank's :)

Mar 14, 2013

Brittney C.

Aww that sucks well hope you find something soon and your surely welcome

Mar 14, 2013

Taylor W.

It's a ten miracle leave in conditioner and hair spray works amazing!

Mar 14, 2013

Kelly L.

And where do you think I could find them? I actually live in Italy, so some of the American brands aren't available ;(