Good Face Masks For Sensative Skin.


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May 13, 2017

Emer N.

Anyone know of any good face masks for sensative and combination skin? uk available please. no specific requirements, just want to find a good face mask xxx

May 13, 2017

Kitty K.

Aztec Healing Clay and Manuka Honey are two of my favorite combos. You can find either at any health store 😊

May 14, 2017

Shaye M.

The Loreal smoothing clay mask is pretty good, I got given it as a gift and I'll definitely repurchase, love itttt. It'll go a long way too :)

May 14, 2017

Beauty T.

I use the skinfood black sugar mask! It smells really good and feels very light on the face.

May 15, 2017

Tamara F.

Lush fresh face masks are awesome. They should be able to help you pick one perfect for your skin.