Skin help! I thing I have large pores.


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May 11, 2017

Anissa J.

Hi beauties!
I noticed now that I do take better care of my skin that I have lare pores undee my eyes area and I'm not sure how to treat it , do you guys have any diy or remedies cause I can't afford any commercial product for now I have good skin overall I always get questionned about it but this especially bothers me

May 11, 2017

Anissa J.

This is my skin

May 11, 2017

Anissa J.

This is the zoom where I have lare pores

May 11, 2017

Leuca S.

They're really not that bad, but investing in proper skincare for that kind of thing will pay off in the long run.

I'm not aware of any home remedies that will properly treat the problem while also addressing long term function of your pores unfortunately. There's just not much outside of properly formulated skincare that can address the problems under the skin's surface.

May 11, 2017

Rita P.

Hi Anissa. Unfortunately you can't't "treat" or prevent large pores, as they're not a condition or something resulting of not taking care of your skin... I believe they're hereditary, hence you'll always have them. That being said, you can always wash and rinse your face with cold water, use skin care according to your skin type and avoid having face makeup on all day, as it ends up clogging the pores.
I hope it helped! :)

May 11, 2017

Anissa J.

@leuca is natural skin care good enough?

May 11, 2017

Anissa J.

@Rita oh I thought there was some reasons behind it so thank you for informing me! I don't use face makeup at all so!

May 11, 2017

Leuca S.

If you are able to make the investment, the BHA/salicylic acid products from Paula's Choice are your best bet to reduce the appearance of pores. For a possible product that may help, the Ordinary makes a very affordable niacinamide product about 7$ which you can purchase here on Beautylish

May 11, 2017

Leuca S.

Pores can have genetic factors but you can absolutely improve their function and appearance with skincare.

Pores get stretched and damaged from sun exposure and sebum build up over time, and while these factors alone are not inherently genetic they can be exacerbated by hereditary factors such as natural sebum production and melanin in the skin.

May 11, 2017

Leuca S.

Natural skincare largely lacks the ingredients to treat pore issues since that lies in the realm of chemical exfoliation, and ingredients such as niacinamide/retinoids, which are either absent from or only found in minute concentration naturally.

May 12, 2017

Beauty T.

There are many ways to get rid of large pores hun! What works best for me is Apple cider vinegar, but you can also try sugar scrubs, baking soda or egg white's and lemon juice. If natural remedies dont help at all than it may just be hereditary for you.

May 12, 2017

Leuca S.

Most natural remedies aren't actually remedies. Apple cider vinegar lacks the ability to cut through sebum like an actual BHA product, baking soda is alkaline and therefore cannot create an acidic environment and exfoliate in a healthy way, and lemon juice contains volatile compounds that can damage your skin, exacerbating a host of issues.

I apologize for being blunt, but if natural remedies were really that effective, doctors would be making heaps of money off of them. Most of them are at best ineffectual, and many of them are harmful to your skin - case in point.

May 12, 2017

Beauty T.

Well I use what works for my skin and it actually works for me I have 0 pimples my skin is smooth and hydrated..I say if it works use it because the ingredients that are in most beauty products aren't any better! P.s. my dermatologist is the one who suggested me to use ACV!

May 14, 2017

Anissa J.

Thank you so much leuca for all the informations sadly I can't afford any products as I live in france and the shipping is very expensive , but ill try to find anything that contains the chemicals you mentionned.

May 14, 2017

Anissa J.

Beauty t I looove acv , I use it for my hair and ill surely try for my skin as I already have it in my kitchen!