Copper hair and I really do care HELP.


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Nov 28, 2016

NiK I.

Hey lovely ladies so I'm getting my hair done in a couple days and I want to get copper red hair but this is what's considering me is I have Olive skin tone and every girl I see with that kind of copper hair has porcelain skin not tanned medium skin with an olive undertone I need honest opinions on whether or not I could pull it off.

Nov 28, 2016

NiK I.

This is my hair color at the moment.

Nov 28, 2016

NiK I.

And this is the color I want to get.

Nov 28, 2016

Brook A.

You can pull off anything if you put your mind to it! I think you'd look great with a copper hair yeah, I think you can! :)

Nov 28, 2016

Jessica D.

If you're confident about it, you can pull anything off. I realize you're asking from a third person pov, but if you really want to do it then you'll love it and rock it no matter what anyone thinks :)

Nov 28, 2016

Jessica D.

On the other hand, IF it turns out different than you're expecting, ask your stylist for her opinion. Maybe some darker highlights (lowlights?) can help you keep that gorgeous color you're going for, but also suit your skin tone :)

Nov 28, 2016

Danica P.

You are a very pretty girl Niki and if you like it who cares what anyone thinks but if you want an honest opinion and this is coming from someone with olive skin to I'd go for a darker red maybe Auburn but like I said if you like it then who cares what anyone's opinion is

Nov 29, 2016

Skye S.

That colour is gorgeous but if I had to be completely honest then I think you'd look so good with a darker red, such as dark auburn. I believe a dark auburn colour would really bring out your features. Plus the colour you're wanting will fade quickly. But of course it's completely your choice and you'd rock it either way (:

Dec 2, 2016

NiK I.

Wow thank you so much Brook Jessica Danica Hailey and Skye I really appreciate all of your wonderful advice so helpful I think I'm going to do some highlights and low lights to do kind of the best of both worlds:) I'll be getting in done in just a couple days and I can't wait to show you guys:)

NiK I.

St Catherine's Ontario