Wierd breakout on face, please help!


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Oct 27, 2016

Shiphrah T.

Ok so there's this wierd spot on my face and I'm pretty sure it's not a pimple. Do you know what it is, and how I can help it? I've just been doing normal things to my skin like washing exfoliating and moisturizer.

Oct 27, 2016

Hannah K.

The dark spot? Those can happen due to sun damage, so make sure you're wearing sunscreen, and if you want to lighten it there are products to do that, such as brightening moisturizers.

Oct 27, 2016

Shiphrah T.

Yes, thank you Hannah!

Oct 30, 2016

Mari E.

I saw a girl on YouTube who had something similar on her skin. Hers happened to be contaminated makeup brushes. The bacteria caused her skin to get a dark spot on her skin, pimple looking thing. You should go with a dermatologist.