Tanning Beds and Makeup


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Jan 8, 2013

Rebecca W.

Question: I occasionally go tan and I am either on my way home from running errands. What do you do with makeup on before going to tan? I feel like that's not good for your skin.. I could use facial wipes but then if I am headed somewhere from tanning should i apply makeup again? Didn't know what the rest of you do!

Thank you!!

Jan 8, 2013

Stina M.

Apply make up after tanning 

Jan 8, 2013

Rebecca W.

Ok great! Thank you Stina M.

Jan 8, 2013

Andree anne O.

I don't go tanning anymore, but when I did 2 years ago I used facial wipes to take off my makeup before, and after I put a moisturizer and wait about 10-15 minutes before I put a light coverage foundation!

Jan 8, 2013

Rebecca W.

Thank you Andree that is a great idea!

Jan 8, 2013

Angharad S.

Tanning is soooo bad, fake it, it will age you much less!!

Jan 9, 2013

Marie-Claire M.

Quit tanning! It was ranked something like one of the top three carcinogens. You shouldn't risk your health to feel beautiful cause everyone knows you already are ;)

Jan 9, 2013

Reem A.

I used to go tanning but I stopped two years ago. I used to wear makeup on the sunbed, I actually found that it protected my face from getting over tanned and my face was already quite dark so I didn't really need the extra tan. In my opinion I would say it doesn't really matter if you wear makeup or not, and personally I didn't sweat that much so it wasn't like I had to wash my face or anything. Really upto the individual. 

Jan 9, 2013

Drea L.

I would just suggest you skip makeup for the entire day when you go tanning. You're already putting your skin through a lot (extra emphasis on A LOT) - Give your skin a rest!

Jan 9, 2013

Katie C.

Or you could just go tanning last so that you don't have to worry about putting makeup back on.. I know I wouldn't go anywhere without makeup on so I see your dilemma 

Jan 9, 2013

Ave M.

If you're worried about things that are bad for your skin I wonder why you tan at all? It's sooo bad for your skin! 

Jan 9, 2013

Hayley B.

So everyone has already said how bad tanning is and I ignored them but I went everyday for almost two years and I've had so many problems with my skin. It's itchy all the time and I have discolored skin from where I laid the most in the tanning bed. :/

Jan 9, 2013

Hayley B.

And wearing makeup when I went made me breakout more.

Jan 9, 2013

Krystle S.

Not a good idea :/ I did it a few times forgot to take my makeup off n I realized spots on my face after that I'm finished w tanning lol 

Jan 9, 2013

Becca M.

I used to tan a lot, when I did I would ways go with a full face of makeup on..I would just cover my face with a towel, so my makeup wouldn't melt. :)

Jan 9, 2013

Becca M.

Tanning is not bad for your skin at all!
Yeah, if you are tanning in cheap gym tanning bed, the Matrix is one of the best.. There are so many benefits to tanning, it clear break outs, it gives your skin a healthy glow, it enriches your body with vitamins if you aren't in the sun a lot.
People just think tanning is to become TAN, it has so many other befits to it..than just that.

Jan 9, 2013

Drea L.

"Tanning is not bad for your skin at all!"


Jan 9, 2013

Maggie M.

Perhaps in cases of eczema and such it's helpful. Otherwise it's a horrid idea and just cuz it clears a few breakouts certainly doesn't mean it's ok lol. Obviously a bit of sun exposure is necessary for vitamin d but what that has to do with a tanning bed I'm not seeing :/ there's no way in hell the benefits outweigh the negative aspects. Just sayin. 

Jan 9, 2013

Drea L.

Gen, believe it or not, people can disagree on here without it a big deal. No need to expect the worse every time.

& I agree Maggie. I can see the Vitamin D be beneficial to the body but that's something you can get on a normal day out. The 'healthy glow' definitely doesn't cancel out the negatives damaging UV rays can do to your skin. & let's not even get into the premature aging!

Jan 9, 2013

Becca M.

Anything is bad for you if you over do it, I'm not saying its not.
I don't tan at all anymore..when I did, I saw good benefits. I have eczema like bumps on the back of my arms & they disappeared within days of that exposure. I have never tanned in or will ever tan in a cheap tanning bed.. I probably will never tan again in my life, but in my opinion it isn't as bad as I think everyone makes it.

Jan 9, 2013

Drea L.

It'll be a cold day in hell when that happens haha

Jan 9, 2013

Becca M.

Spray tanning is another story, I haaaaate it!

Friendly humor, to take the edge off of things :)

Jan 9, 2013

Allie D.

There is a lot you can do to help prevent the negatives of tanning. I agree with Becca, never tan in a cheap bed and never tan with out a lotion. I tan, and it's my favorite part of the day, it's 15 mins to myself and its warms me up to my bones. We all do things to our body that aren't the best for it. 

Jan 9, 2013

Stephanie M.

Don't tan with your makeup on. Always go with a bare face. 

Jan 9, 2013

Becca M.

Exactly, people KNOW smoking causes cancer but people still do it anyways..
This is just another thing people will disagree upon..