Large pores tratment


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Dec 25, 2015

Hải triều L.

Hi all the beaus and the beauties,
I have combination/oily skin with rough texture and very clear, large pores between my nose and cheekbones. I'm very upset of this, as it makes me look older. Could you please share your skin care routines that helps minimise the pores and smoothen the skin?
I have read and heard from those who encourage the use of lemon or tomato juice, or baking soda, but as far as I know, these products can dry out our skin, even lead to sensitive skin when we age, so I will never apply those solutions.
Thank you very much.

Dec 25, 2015

Noemy M.

I know how you feel I have the same problems in the same spots. About a month ago I started using biore scrub and it's so far worked very well for me. Every night and every morning with my spinhead my skin feels seriously amazing after a wash I've noticed my skin looking a lot better :)