Steam Pod 2


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Dec 16, 2015

Stroubi S.

So...I am interested in buying the steam you think its worth it?? I am going to try it tomorrow at the salon but I am not sure if I can achieve good results on my own...
my hair is thick and frizzy and curly and hard to manage...whenever I straighten my hair with a straightener the results are not that good and don't last.
and is it necessary to use only loreal creams and serums or something like moroccan or argan oil could work too?
thank you

Dec 16, 2015

Raylene I.

Woah what's a steam pod? I've never heard of this nor do I have curly hair so I can't really help you with advice or anything but I wanted to know what this thing is and post hair photos of your hair before and after your salon trip!

however I imagine that you can use any hair oils, creams or serums.

Dec 16, 2015

Raylene I.

And I just saw your profile... LOVE your hair by the way!!

Dec 16, 2015

Stroubi S.

Well... thank you Raylene...actually I hate my hair...I am never is my weak point...
steampod is a hair straightener with steam...

Dec 18, 2015

Kelly V.

My salon has a steam straightener. it does get the hair very straight but I honestly don't notice a difference between that and a normal flat iron. I think it's more of a pain in the butt then anything. I do have a few clients who request it but other then that I just rely on my normal flat Iron.

Dec 18, 2015

Stroubi S.

Well...thank you I bought is not that hard to handle...they did my hair at the salon so I cannot comment on soon as I wash my hair and use it I will see how if it can handle my hair and last...