Jojoba oil face


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Dec 21, 2015

K R.

Is jojoba oil ok to use on an oily acne prone face are there benefits?

Dec 21, 2015

Roz X.

Here's some great info on Jojoba. I always recommend alternating it with Sweet Almond Oil or Evening Primrose.

You can find it at any health food store, Vitamin shop or Whole Foods. Primrose is naturally anti-inflammatory and increases skin's elasticity. Sweet Almond is high in fatty acids and rapidly absorbing and so I feel this combination if oils makes a remarkable difference.

Good luck!

Dec 21, 2015

Lin F.

Here's something else for you to read about jojoba oil
scroll down to "Anti-acne gel". I buy jojoba oil from Amazon. I only learned about jojoba when I started using Monsia skincare, it is one of the ingredients in the day moisturizer.
I also think that Hailey and Rozberry make very good points.

Dec 21, 2015

Diana T.

Yeah I have oily/combo acne prone skin and I use it as a moisturizer in the winter when my face feels more dry and it moisturizes without clogging pores and actually it reduces the amount of natural oil on my face because it mimics that oil so my skin doesn't feel the need to produce more oil which is great.