Hautelook HELP! How do you know what the status of an order is??


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Jan 18, 2016

Kelsey K.


Can anyone help me. I have an order from Hautelook that I placed on January 1st and still have NO FORM OF UPDATR WHAT SO EVER ON. Like no tracking no eta no nothing. The "status" of my order says "in queue for shipping" and has said that from day one. Can anyone give any insight--- am I looking the wrong spot and missing something... PLEASE anything will help I have place one additional order since then but I am Leary of purchasing anything and having the same issues.

Jan 18, 2016

Gaby S.

contact them! 😧

Jan 18, 2016

Michelle S.

Send an email to customer service. Sometimes with Hautelook it can take a few weeks for the order to process and ship. It's a pain, but I guess it's worth it for the price.

Jan 19, 2016

Ileene M.

It says right there 2-3 weeks from order date, it also says when the event ends Lorac ships to Hautelook, then to you. it might take a couple weeks depending when the event ends. I trust Hautelook I've ordered from them a couple times