Dirty hair tips


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Jan 11, 2016

Rita P.

I've been going to the gym everyday, but spend most of the time at home studying. My hair has been getting 10 times more dirty / oily beacause of al the sweat, and I'm struggling to wash it only 3 times a week, so what I've found helpful was ( this is so gross, sorry ) washing only the roots / side parts every other day, so that it doesn't look so dirty. What are some useful tips to avoid washing it so frequently? What do you ladys do? Is this method worse than washing my whole head?
Oh and I also use some baby powder sometimes (it works way better than dry shampoo for me)

Jan 11, 2016

Rita P.

Erin M. yes it is.. I used to wash it daily but that's not really healthy because of what you've said- my ends became very dry even thought I did hair masks. and you're not being rude by any means.

Jan 11, 2016

katie s.

Erin, washing your hair everyday can be bad for the hair because it strips the hair of natural oils and can dry it out. I only wash my hair 2-3 times a week.

As for your question, I am a runner and I personally am just a lover of dry shampoo (you can use baby powder since you say it works better for you)! If you must wash your hair (mine is naturally dry so I usually don't have problems with it getting oily even though I work out) make sure to use sulfate free shampoo (Loreal has some, but lots of other brands do too) and also use leave in conditioners or hair masks to help keep your hair soft and moisturizer!

Jan 11, 2016

Jade M.

I used to wash mine everyday then was told it's not good to wash it everyday so I started every other day then every 2 days now I wash my hair twice a week as I work in a job which involves me having my hair up honestly your hair gets used to it my hair has grown and got healthier as I now only use heat on it twice a week x

Jan 11, 2016

Rita P.

Katelyn N. thank you :) can you tell me the difference between that shampoo and the normal one?

Jan 11, 2016

Kim M.

It's fine if you wash it everyday. your hair is dead. the thing is finding a shampoo and conditioner that is free of sulfates, strippers, etc. if you can, you want to go as natural as possible.

Jan 12, 2016

Vickie P.

Like some of the ladies mentioned above using sulfate free shampoos and conditioners are helpful. Loreal is a good brand for that!! Also, using a dry shampoo is helpful on days you don't want to wash but want to get rid of some of the oil. I personally am a big fan of the dove dry shampoo ( can find at Target). I have used a bunch of different types of dry shampoos but this seems to be the best one for my hair type (oily).

Dry shampoo is found in an aerosol can and you just spray it on the roots of your hair. It comes out like a white dusting or coding. I let it sit for a few seconds and then I take my fingers and just rub it into my scalp. Afterwards, I just brush it out so you can't see the whiteness anymore and then style as usual. The one by dove smells really good so it always makes my hair feel refreshed. Hope this was helpful!

Jan 12, 2016

patty s.

I don't like dry shampoo. After working out I need to wash my hair, but I only use shampoo once a week, the other days I just rub my scalp with my fingers under the water and apply conditioner, then I rinse my hair.

Jan 12, 2016

Gemma T.

Tbh I was mine once a week. Use sulphate free shampoo etc. I try to stick to a tangle teezer only. in fact at the moment I washed it a week and a half ago. I know it's disgusting but Tbh once it's up you can't tell the difference and my hairdresser told me it's in the best condition she's seen it. Try not to judge me everyone lol.

Jan 14, 2016

Rita P.

Gemma T. its not disgusting, I wish mine could take a week! Thank you all for the tips, glad my shampoo is running out, I'll grab a sulfate free one next time :)