Hair Help (Length + Frizz)


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Aug 10, 2016

Courtney P.

Okay guys I need some help. With two things really. First of all my hair will not grow. It's like my goal to have my hair down to my butt and I've been trying to grow it out for 5 years. I get regular trims, I limit using heat and it's been stuck in the same spot this whole time. Second of all, I can never wear my hair down unless I straighten it. It's naturally curly and after I get out of the shower I brush it and do my routine but no matter what I do it frizzes and poofs to the point it's an Afro. Same goes for when I blow dry it. Please help!

Aug 10, 2016

Lara R.

I have wavy hair and whenever I'll be wearing it down, I don't brush it. Brushing your hair will make it "poofy", and with frizz. When applying styling products, don't comb your hair even with your fingers. Also it's very important that the hair is hydrated to prevent frizz, so using a hair mask frequently will help too :)

Aug 10, 2016

Hannah K.

I have very similar problems.

First of all, to address hair growth, there are a few common misconceptions.
-not everyone has the ability to grow super long hair. my hair doesn't grow longer than right below my bra. hair length is genetically predetermined, so if your hair can't grow that long, there's really nothing you can do to make it grow that long.
-regular trims (like every 2-3 months), do NOT help with hair growth. they just make sure your hair stays at a consistent length. personally, I only get my hair cut every once in a while, once I start noticing split ends.

as far as frizz goes, it's normally a result of dehydrated hair. make sure you're using hair products that are sodium chloride and sulfate free, because those are the most predominantly drying ingredients in most haircare. I very much agree with Lara, hair masks are your friends! I use one every time I shower, because if I don't my hair frizzes out of control. I also agree with not brushing your hair when it's dry, because that just exacerbates any existing frizz. I definitely recommend the DevaCurl Super Creme, which is a nice styling creme that I work into my hair after I get out of the shower (and any time it's particularly frizzy) that helps tame it a bunch.

Aug 11, 2016

Courtney P.

I use so many masks it's ridiculous 😂 thank you both though

Aug 11, 2016

Carol P.

My hair is losing its luster. what would you recommend?

Aug 11, 2016

Viviana J.

1. You hair may only be able to grow that far. I would take amazing care of it and maybe do some stimulating massages.

2. DONT BRUSH CURLY HAIR. It's like rule one. If you don't like your curly hair, maybe try some no hear hairstyles where you could wear it down. You could also find a good curl routine so you could wear it curly. For frizz, not brushing should help. You can also sleep on a satin or silk pillow case. This really helps my hair. You could also you a frizz reducing leave in or serum.