Mosquito Bite That Looks Like A Red Bump Pimple.


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Sep 15, 2016

Hannah N.

So I was outside and I got this mosquito bite that looks like a giant red bump temple. I have plans for tomorrow and I would like the mosquito bite to be gone if possible. Any suggestions?

Sep 15, 2016

Lara R.

I apply directly The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil with a cotton pad and by the next day looks smaller and not so red.

Sep 15, 2016

Stephanie S.

There is no way it can be gone in a day. But I like to ice mine and then apply tea tree oil as lara suggested. then it could possibly be smaller by tomorrow.

Sep 15, 2016

Sarah O.

I always have these! I suggest to apply tea tree oil every other 2 nights. Take a wash cloth soak it in hot water and put it on the bite until the water turns cold or its not warm anymore. Do that everyday until it looks smaller or has a head.

Sep 15, 2016

Hannah E.

A mosquito bite can disappear within a night! I wouldn't put any irritants like tea tree oil or acne medications. Just put a dab of cortisone cream and it should be gone within 12 hours. Make sure not to touch or pick at it.

Sep 15, 2016

Sarah O.

Hannah L, not really. When you get mosquito bites on your face it is different from that is on your arm. It is big, itches like crazy, and it can hurt. I have had multiple ones are they are worse than regular ones.

Sep 16, 2016

Natalie G.

Pour vinegar into a bowl and dip a few spoons into the bowl. Freeze the spoons and once frozen, apply to the bight until the spoons are warm.

Sep 16, 2016

Natalie G.

It may bot vanish but it will be less noticeable.

Sep 16, 2016

Sarah O.

I wouldn't put anything that is food related on your face. It is not suited for your face and may irritate your skin more

Sep 17, 2016

Hannah E.

I have had mosquito bites on my face.. Cortisone cream helps with the inflammation. It would help to see a picture though..