Any skincare experts out there? Hives? Bug bites? Help!!


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Sep 7, 2016

Abby G.

Hey everyone!

So the past week I've had these weird itchy bumps covering a lot of my body. At first I thought they were fly bites, then I thought they were hives so I took Benadryl but that didn't help. I've pretty much covered everything I can think of!! Anyone know what these are??

Sep 7, 2016

Abby G.

They're on my belly, neck, and arms too

Sep 7, 2016

Lara C.

You should probably see a doctor or a nurse..
this isn't beauty related

Sep 7, 2016

Shiphrah T.

The best thing to do would be to go see a doctor but you can get bumps like those from mosquitos and Benadryl or this would help.

Sep 7, 2016

Cheryl S.

I think you should see a doctor. I hasimilar boils near my thighs and I tried home remedies. It actually worsened the condition. So it is better to consult a skin specialist.

Sep 7, 2016

Jamie D.

I would see a skin specialist absolutely!

And, I could be totally off the mark, but could it be bed bugs? I've never had them before so I have no idea if that's what bed bug bites even look like, but you might want to something like that. They actually look more like flea bites to me, but fleas are big enough that you'd definitely notice if they were all over your body lol.

I would say in the mean time, clean and sanitize your sheets, clothes, anything that comes into contact with your skin, etc. Make sure you use a very gentle, fragrance free laundry detergent, as it's possible you're having a reaction to that as well. Try not to pick at it, and apply anti-itch cream when necessary. But definitely try to see a doc ASAP because it's possible none of these things would help, although I can't imagine them worsening the situation. If you notice it gets worse, that's definitely a warning sign that there's something wrong internally instead of from external stimuli.

Sep 7, 2016

Kayla Marie W.

It's hard to tell from the pictures but it can also be a widespread staph/mrsa infection so definitely go see a doctor!

Sep 7, 2016

Mandee K.

Tbh, this just happened to me within the last two months. I had these itchy bumps on my hand, belly, arms, and inner thighs. They ended up turning into ringworm. I'm not saying that is what you have but your pictures look very similar to how my ringworm started out. The bumps on my body just appeared on day and over the course of two weeks, turned into a ringworm rash. I bought some lamisil and it cleared my ringworm up.

Sep 7, 2016

Mandee K.

I would just see a doctor if I was you. Better to have it looked at sooner than later.

Sep 7, 2016

Lara C.

Jamie, I too thought of bedbugs especially if they are all over the body.

Sep 7, 2016

Abby G.

Thanks guys. I do have really sensitive skin so I thought I'd ask here first but I was definitely thinking along the lines of a doctors office call as well.

Sep 7, 2016

Kim M.

I have MRSA, and that isn't what they look like. bed bug bites don't get raised like that. just red dots. but it could be allergies, on the skin or ingested. I would definitely go to the Dr or dermatologist.

Sep 10, 2016

Callie T.

It's not hives