Tips for dry lips.


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Sep 10, 2016

Jade W.

Hey all I have really dry lips and skin around my mouth I use lip balm any other tips.

Sep 10, 2016

Lainee I.

What lip balm are you currently using?

Sep 10, 2016

Alexis C.

Do you exfoliate your lips as well?

Sep 10, 2016

Jade W.

I use Carmex and no I don't I don't know what to use

Sep 10, 2016

Jade W.

Okay thanks I will give that a try and yeah I really want to try a lip scrub but I don't know which one to use

Sep 10, 2016

Jackie S.

You can make a lip scrub with some sugar and olive oil. Use your finger or a soft bristled toothbrush. Then rinse off and wipe with a cotton towel.

Sep 10, 2016

Jade W.

Thanks will definitely be trying all of these!

Sep 10, 2016

Aurora S.

If your lips are very dry and have a lot of dead skin try applying Vaseline before using a scrub.
Just put some on and leave it on for 5-10 minutes.
It'll really help soften the dead skin so when you use a scrub it'll come off easily.
Some people with a lot of dead skin/dryness that go straight ahead with exfoliation can end up bleeding a little and/or irritation of the lips from exfoliating the lips too much due to stubborn dead skin.

I know a lot of people would recommend using "natural" lip conditioners because they "moisturize" the lips but if anything I'd use a natural one and a petroleum based one on top to help lock it in that way you're able to get the benefits of both.
The more natural ones with beeswax really help heal the dryness over time but they are quite lightweight and some are even dry but using a petroleum based one on top with help soften and such in the meantime

Sep 10, 2016

Jade W.

Thank you

Sep 11, 2016

Heather F.

Elf makes a nice lip exfoliator, I think it's about $3. The important thing to remember and hardest thing to do with dry lips is do not peel! I've tried a ton of the moisturizers out there with limited success. Even the Aquaphor extremely dry lips one didn't work. I use Burts Bees vanilla balm and so far have found that to be the best, but I'm currently researching oils to see which one is best to prevent getting those cracked corners I get every winter. Good luck with the scrubs!

Sep 11, 2016

Delara g.

I put Vaseline everyday at night and it works really well