Warning Cancer Causing Mouthwash.


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Jun 6, 2016

Melody W.

Hey guys I'm just here to warn you that I have recently found out that the listerine mouthwadh can cause cancer due to the alchol in it, just thought some of you may need ro know that :)

Jun 6, 2016

Melody W.

Or any alcohol based moythwash can cause cancer

Jun 6, 2016

Jamie D.

Would you mind posting the studies that concluded this? I'd love to read them.

Jun 6, 2016

Dana E.

Honestly just about anything can lead to cancer now a days apparently so.

Jun 6, 2016

Jackie S.

While listening was originally marketed as a cleaning solution, it won't (nor any other mouthwash) will cause cancer. I'd hope my father, a dentist would've have informed me. If it is a new study, I'd love to read it as well.

Jun 6, 2016

Jackie S.


Jun 6, 2016

Alyx T.

If they had proof it caused cancer they would have to put it on the bottle as a carcinogenic and have a warning on it. It would also have been all over the news and they would have been sued off their ass if someone proved that it caused cancer. But realistically you cannot prove that. A lot of things factor into cancer and you can't definitively say what caused it in you. It could be the second hand smoke from walking down wind on the street of a smoker one windy day, or genetics, or a number of other factors and often times people blame a product that they recently started using or have used forever. There's tons of "______ brand gave me cancer" scare articles but realistically nobody can prove that unless you had a control group that you wouldn't let in the sun or use any other products or near anything that could possibly "cause" cancer, and every single person who ever used it got cancer, and even then it would have to be the same strain of cancer in the same location to prove it wasn't something else or a collection of other things.

Honestly don't worry about it.

Jun 6, 2016

Roz X.

I actually know about how this concern came to be. There was a study linking poor oral health to Cancer of the mouth and throat. In the study, they were addressing users with poor oral health and usage of alcohol-laden mouthwash 3 times a day and higher. The test was inconclusive in linking alcohol mouthwash to Cancer..but it did raise concerns about the importance of oral health and hygiene in reducing ones risk of Cancer overall.

The makers of Listerine, Johnson & Johnson, have also been part of a lawsuit from a company that manufacturers oral health test kits, accusing them of actively working to keep their kits out of stores due to the aforementioned study.

The results give pause in that you should take your oral health seriously and don't excessively, ridiculously overuse alcohol-based mouthwash, which is common sense. The direct link in the study was not there..but it did bring about interest and so further studies are taking place currently since the results were not absolute in making the case. If you are concerned, there are many alcohol free mouthwashes available on the market. I personally don't like alcohol mouthwash as I find it burns and is drying. You can Google for more info if you are concerned or curious.

Jun 6, 2016

Roz X.

Thanks for looking out for members, Melody. I know this comes from a sincere place. I'd be sure to read the professional analysis of the study to get maximum details since you are concerned. It's always a good idea to vet this type of information and speak with your dentist to make a choice your comfortable with when it comes to oral health.

Jun 6, 2016

Lainee I.

It probably also has to do with the other chemicals in it as well, and same as any sugar free food,the aspertame can cause cancer, but yet there is no warning or anything.

Jun 6, 2016

Hannah K.

Lainee, it has been clinically proven that aspartame does not cause cancer. If it did, it would be removed from all foods and the labels would carry a carcinogenic label. Have a read of these, these are my sources - http://m.cancer.org/cancer/cancercauses/othercarcinogens/athome/aspartame 

Jun 6, 2016

Jacqueline H.

When I read this thread, I was a bit baffled because I have never heard anything about Listerine or any, as Rozberry said, 'alcohol-laden' mouth wash causing cancer. I have been using it 2 times a day for I don't know how long, and my Dentist knows I use it and has never said anything to me about it. After reading what Jackie, Alyx and Rozberry said, I feel better, and the next time I see my Dentist, I will ask him about this. :)

I also love my Diet Dr. Pepper, and I know aspertame is controversial, but every study I have read cannot definitively establish a link to cancer. I've been drinking diet soft drinks sweetened with aspertame for so long that even taking a sip of a regular Coke or Pepsi makes my mouth pucker up from the taste of actual sugar. Thanks for posting those links Hannah. :) h

Jun 6, 2016

Diana T.

I've never heard of aspartame being linked to being a known carcinogen - I have heard it being an excitotoxin that has a similar effect to MSG where it can be addicting and cause to consume more food or drinks containing those products - this video on YouTube explains more about that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nxLm2LAPQo
It's long but very informative by Dr.Russell Blaylock - you can read more about him on his YouTube channel as well

Jun 6, 2016

Bri-bri L.

I'm not so sure about it being a cause of cancer but I've talked to one dentist and one orthodontist before about mouthwash and what it does. Both have told me in detail that ni mouth wash is strong enough to actually fulfill its job of killing bacteria and "cleaning" the mouth. Yes, it is heavily minty but mouthwash can't ever be strong enough yet safe at the same time to do its job. So, how I'm interpreting this is that, mouthwash isnt a reliable product that you can depend on, for it to clean the mouth on its own.
I rather believe much more in the oil pulling method over mouth washes to be more effective in cleaning out mouths and providing so many health benefits for our body by just cleaning the mouth.

Jun 7, 2016

Darlene V.

The only thing that is directly linked to cancer is meat and dairy. There aren't studied proving mouth wash does that.

Jun 7, 2016

Darlene V.

studies *