Practicing eyebrows! Opinions!


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Jun 11, 2016

Camryn L.

As some of you ladies might know in posted a question a few days ago regarding the thinness of my eyebrows. Tonight I practiced a little using some of the lightest brown eyeshadows I have and focusing on making them a tad bit fuller. Honestly, I'm understanding how thinner eyebrows suit my face so I'm starting to accept them but I still have a little more growing back to do! :) I know there might not be too much of a difference but it was a first practice and wasn't going to overdo it lol! Honest opinions and tips please :)

Jun 11, 2016

Camryn L.

This is my eyebrows doing nothing to them.

Jun 11, 2016

Camryn L.

This might be a better close up

Jun 11, 2016

Shengmin L.

Honestly I feel like your eyebrows were perfect for your face to begin with :)

Jun 11, 2016

Camryn L.

Hailey sorry I didn't really explain that! I tried to draw a light lime with an angle brush but it was kind of hard to actually get anything out of it. I'm not sure if it's the brush I'm using or just because the color I was using is light. I focused on the areas that I wanted to be thicker and tried to blend it as well as possible.

Jun 11, 2016

Camryn L.

Anyone wondering I'm using Maybelline The Nudes pallet and yes I realize this color is grey looking! I tried using more of brownish colors but they just ended up being to dramatic.

Jun 11, 2016

Camryn L.

thank you Shengmin! :)

Jun 11, 2016

patty s.

I don't see anything wrong with your eyebrows before, if you want to make them fuller use a eyebrow mascara. I recommend Essence in Blondie blondes, the eyebrow spoolie is little, I think it will be perfect for your eyebrows.

Jun 11, 2016

Camryn L.

Thanks patty I actually might try that out!

Jun 11, 2016

Mary P.

Essence brow mascara is my go to!

Jun 12, 2016

Nathalie C.

That essence brow mascara flaked like hell on me. I really don't recommend it. Your eyebrows look great. I would draw them slightly longer though.