My Legs Make Me Feel Sick.


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May 29, 2016

lianne C.

So many dimple cellulite on my legs feel like nothing will help??can't even get my legs out in nice weather as I am so self concious.

May 29, 2016

Sabrina K.

Hi Donna, I'm a litte confused as to what you are asking about? Are you looking for lotions for you legs? Maybe selftanners to make your legs look more tanned?

May 29, 2016

F F.

Not happy with my legs too but self tanner helps!

May 29, 2016

appi A.

I think she needs something to reduce cellulite.

May 29, 2016

appi A.

In That case I can't help.

May 29, 2016

F F.

I've heard rubbing used coffee grinds in shower helps (the caffeine) just have a plunger near lol or Sephora/Macys has cellulite creams that can help..

May 29, 2016

Diana T.

There are cellulite creams and lotions out there by Nivea and st.ives that work well - but if you really want to get rid of it for good do some squats and strength moves with your legs using weights and pair it with cardio - but even then you probably won't get rid of it 100% because every woman has cellulite even from the thinnest models to the curvy girls - we all have it - but it's nothing to be ashamed of - they contribute to our sexy womanly figure so be proud of it! Embrace it and learn to love your body - that's the real trick to living with cellulite - don't be so ashamed! It's natural and it's beautiful :)

May 30, 2016

Mariana E.

Oh Diana, I just love you. Yes! Go jelly! I've had cellulite since I was 10! It really bothered me so I did what I could, the whole classic plan: plenty of water, no sodas, little sugar and little carb diet, and it kind of helped. Products galore! I mean I bought them all. Didn't see much difference in that front. But what it has actually been helpful it's biking, squats and more squats.
But whatever I do I still have it. So the best thing I could have done was to stop giving a damn.
My life changed. Nothing will keep me away from shorts and swimsuits and dresses. Bäh! You don't like my legs, just move along... I do like them and they take me everywhere

May 30, 2016

lianne C.

thanks you

May 30, 2016

Angela J.

Fake tan. Definitely fake tan lol. And what Diana said of course!:)