Business Professional Makeup


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May 12, 2016

Paola B.

I have an important job interview coming up this Friday. I really want to make a good impression, so I'm going for business professional. I'm wearing some nice black slack, a blue blouse, and a black blazer with black heels. My issue is that I don't know how to do my makeup. I want something nice but not overdone. Also, would my hair look better curled or straight? I really appreciate y'all taking the time to reply!

May 12, 2016

Paola B.

Curly hair

May 12, 2016

Paola B.

Straight hair

May 12, 2016

Indira E.

I think straight would be better!! And go with a natural look and by the way your beautiful!! Good luck in the interview!

May 12, 2016

Alexis C.

Personally I like how the curls look on you. Keep the makeup simple and natural, the makeup you have on in these pictures is actually perfect (:

May 12, 2016

Paola B.

Thank you Indira! I'm so nervous!! I'll need all the luck I can get!

May 12, 2016

Paola B.

Thank you Alexis, I was afraid the curls might look a little too party-ish. Okay, thank you tons for your response, I'll stick with my neutral every day look!(:

May 12, 2016

Stephanie G.

I'd pull your hair back into a sleek ponytail. the career center at my college always told us to do that. And your outfit sounds perfect. Good luck!

May 12, 2016

Paola B.

Thank you Hailey! Hmm now I have to think about the straight or curly! Maybe I'll do straight and pin it up on one side!
Stephanie, ponytails look god awful on me :( especially now that my hair is a little shorter! I just have a stubby pony tail that sticks straight out, but thank you for the suggestion! :D

May 12, 2016

Genevieve D.

I agree with Alexis! curly hair and that neutral makeup is perfect!

May 12, 2016

Paola B.

Thank you Genevieve! :DI'm going to definitely go with my neutrals and then try both both curly and straight with the outfit to see which looks more professional 😱😱😱

May 12, 2016

Kat H.

What type of company is the interview with? Have you seen the way other employees there dress?

May 12, 2016

Paola B.

Hi Miss Kat! It's for a bank! The employees follow the business professional style also, I've seen them in slacks as well as pencil skirts and nice blouses. I'm comfortable with my outfit, I didn't want to risk wearing a skirt because it might look too tight so I went with some nice slacks! I reeeallly want to make a good impression!

May 12, 2016

Deborah S.

I've worked in HR in a bank and from my experience your outfit is spot on, it's actually pretty much what I wore for my interview back then. I agree with very minimal makeup (no colourful eyeshadow or bright lipstick, just try to look fresh and natural) and I think your hair would be fine either way, either would surely be appropriate. good luck with your interview :)

May 12, 2016

Paola B.

Thank you so much for your response Deborah! I'm so nervous, I'll definitely need lots of luck. You know I actually hadn't thought about what lipstick to wear, but I'm glad you mentioned it or else I would've totally panicked tomorrow morning! I'll stick with a light nude. Thank you tons!

May 13, 2016

Deborah S.

You're welcome. :) don't be nervous, I'm sure you'll be fine, in fact if I can give one advice for interviews it's not to be nervous, even though I know how hard that is, but as long as you know your cv, know what is awaiting you/ bring some theoretical knowledge and know why you want to do that job at that company you should be absolutely fine. Just try to relax and smile, them knowing that you are a nice person helps a lot. especially banks seem a bit scary and strict sometimes but for me it was the nicest environment with the most friendly people I have ever worked in. well that was a bit off topic but just to maybe help you calm down a bit, good luck again :)

May 13, 2016

Paola B.

Thank you loaaaads for the advice Deborah! Your advice definitely helps with the nerves! (: