Exercise bike help lose weight?


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Jan 5, 2013

Heather H.

I don't know anything about exercise equipment and i saw on the local ad that someone is selling this. A Schwinn exercise bike.
*So my question is, would this help me lose weight?*
Some people are telling me to save my money and just go running. Confused, anything helps!!

Jan 5, 2013

Heather H.

Or would an elliptical be better???

Jan 5, 2013

Brandi F.

There are a number of things you can do, but diet is one of the first things to change(if you haven't already) exercise about 30 min a day maybe 3 times a week, you don't want to burn yourself out. You need cardio, but bikes are good, they are very effective in spinning classes. You can look up exercises for bikes, i see them all the time. 

Jan 5, 2013

Heather H.

Well the only problem is that idk which one to buy. Which one is better!

Jan 5, 2013

Brandi F.

Well.. I think both are good! But use your leg muscles which burn must calories. I personally like the elliptical because it makes me bust a sweat fast! 

Jan 5, 2013

Brandi F.

Both use*

Jan 5, 2013

Brandi F.

Most* grrr 

Jan 5, 2013

Chloe K.

You really shouldnt be posting this in the makeup category

Jan 5, 2013

Skye D.

elliptical is better because it works more of your body. running is great, but weather is something to consider with running. I like dance dvds, plus they don't cost much. really though, the most effective thing is what you will actually do constantly. have fun:-)

Jan 5, 2013

Krystal B.

Elliptical would be better for the bum

Jan 5, 2013

Amy W.

Would only help if you are going very long distances or very fast or hard resistance. I have lost some weight doing insanity the video work outs and using my tired mill and elliptical.

Jan 5, 2013

Amy W.


Jan 5, 2013

Brandi F.

Oh insanity is awesome! 

Jan 6, 2013

Pamela F.

chloe its not its in advice, tips and tricks. :p

Jan 6, 2013

Heather H.

Chloe, did you look at the category? It's in advice. Go somewhere else with your bullshit. You keep posting that everywhere.
And thank you beautiful ladies!!! <3. I think I'm gonna go with the elliptical.

Jan 6, 2013

Heather H.

I did insanity!! i just don't have the time for it anymore.

Jan 6, 2013

Brandi F.

Have fun! Hope you get the results you want!

Jan 6, 2013

Amy W.

Good luck! Stay motivated and you'll get the body you want. 

Jan 6, 2013

Loren B.

The best exercise is the one you get up and DO. no equip will help if it's used as a clothes rack and most will help if used regularly. For great weight loss also do regular weight training 

Jan 6, 2013

Rebecca S.

Weight trainings good, ellipticals are good, just walking is good, etc.
Try some new things and see what you like.