Acne Only On Cheeks.


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Jun 1, 2016

Amy H.

I've had clear skin my whole life and recently I have started getting clusters of pimples on my cheeks near my nose never anywhere else. I've tried different face washes and masks and moisturers and I don't know what to do. I don't wear makeup so I'm super self concious of it.

Jun 1, 2016

Stephanie G.

Do you use a phone a lot? Or do you rest your face on your hand?

Jun 1, 2016

Emily N.

I have the same problem and do rest my face on my hand a lot what can I do to get rid of it.

Wash your pillowcases and sheets, try not to touch your face, and wash your hands regularly.

Jun 2, 2016

Chloe N.

Make sure not to touch your face, and if you really have to, wash your hands first. And I would apply a spot treatment. I just made a post about one that I really love.

Jun 2, 2016

Viviana F.

Stray away from anything with fragrance! And try not to pick at your blemishes as it just spreads more bacteria. I swear by tea tree oil! For spot treatment and I also dilute it and add it to my moisturizer from time to time. Here are the face wash and mask I use. I have acne and I find that when I use this mask when my skin is acting up I see reduced redness and the size of my blemishes. I get the face wash at Target and the mask at Walgreens

Jun 2, 2016

Amy P.

I recommend visiting a/your dermatologist. I had the exact same problem! I had clear skin my entire life and then a few years ago I started getting red spots and under the skin bumps on my cheeks especially. I eventually visited my dermatologist about two months ago and she told me I had light acne and she prescribed me a cream. Do be careful, those creams can cause light 'burns' on your face.

*note : I did everything 'in my power' to red rid of these symptoms like good cleansing and taking good care of my skin. I even purchased a clarasonic. But nothing helped so far unfortunately

Jun 3, 2016

Amy H.

Yep I'm on the phone often and always rest my hands on my face. I'll definitely try and stop doing it.