AHA BHA Cheat Sheet.


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May 18, 2016

Rida S.

So I am on the hunt for AHA BHA products and I have just ordered Pixi f
glow tonic..while googling reviews and all I stumbled upon this picture...it didnt had any credit so I dunno who created this but still sharing it for AHA BHA newbies.

Update: Please do read the entire thread below. The attached cheat sheet has some misinformation. While it is helpful, please do not rely on it completely. Do read comments by the lovely community members to learn more about AHA and BHA products and recommendations.

May 18, 2016

Rida S.

here it is

May 18, 2016

Deborah S.

Thank you for sharing this. :) I was really sure that BHA also makes the skin more photosensitive, which is why it's so important to wear sunscreen when using it. can someone confirm this? :)

May 18, 2016

Barbie S.

The question is how to get a perfect mix of both

May 18, 2016

Roz X.

This chart contains some misinformation. It's what is absent that also concerns me.
No info on what pH to look for, which is key to the acids even being effective safely. No info on percentages to look for based on skin needs. Not to be unkind, but I wouldn't use this as a starter for newbies.

I think we should all ask more questions before we suggest usage, as skin is serious business, being our largest organ. This doesn't address Rosacea, Psoriasis..diseases that flake and might be seeking chemical exfoliation. I always vet my sources, and I'd urge the same with skincare from my fellow members, who I do enjoy and respect.
Acids are not like a lipstick where you could maybe just grab a color and run with it.

If you use acids, you need a broad spectrum sun protection product of at least 30 SPF, although I think 40 to 50 is the better route. It also needs to be reapplied if you are going in daylight, every two hours. That's clearly established with physicians, so yes, ladies using a BHA, you are absolutely right to put that sun protection on. Great job!

The formulation of these products have an impact on if they are drying...as does percentage and frequency of use, not to mention what other products are being used or layered with the acids. These acids are often paired with alcohol, even from high end companies, which is so tough on skin. :( (Pixi Glow is alcohol free, but does contain fragrance as the final ingredient for those interested/concerned.)

Did you know if you are sensitive to aspirin, a BHA can be a problem? So can combining them with certain topical prescriptions. I don't even know what "ungluing" skin is supposed to mean.
BHA's also stimulate collagen for those interested. Not all Caucasians or People of Color can use AHA's and the percentage has to be taken into consideration based on their skin needs and condition...as well as their skin color. Its a very personal thing.. BHA also is certainly not tolerated well by all skin...regardless of tone and the percentage, again, is important to take into consideration. People of color should consult an Estie or Derm because these acids and their tone need to be paired correctly.

I don't want to be a downer, but I also don't want to see people harming themselves unintentionally.

I want the forum to be fun, always. I don't want to discredit anyone's suggestions or infringe upon their choices, passions and even their enthusiasm, but sometimes I just feel speaking up is worth any heat I might take. I just really care about our members' health. I'm not a Doctor, I say that all the time, but what I do know is that acids are complex, highly effective when used correctly..and at the same time can be used incorrectly or effect skin pigment. Users need serious sun protection. *Even if you use it at night, you need that protection during the day.* The same with Retinol. It's a good idea no matter what, but in these instances, it's a necessity. Mucas Membranes should be avoided...never on the lids, protect your lips from getting acids on them as well as your nasal passage, and the eye itself. It can be used around the eyes, but with caution. I find feathering it in with a Q-tip to be helpful and I apply Aquaphor or a balm to my lip prior to application of acids. It is a sweet thought to help out new users with a sheet and I love that you wanted to be helpful. I didn't mean to come in your thread and take anything away from that. Hopefully this was of help to you in some way and maybe a few other members as well. In the end, this post hopefully opens dialog and serves to help newbies, thanks to your creation of this very thread. :)

I didn't plan on posting as I've a lot on my plate this week, but I did want to speak up to encourage more research before putting trust in a cheat sheet I feel has misinformation. My very best to you and I hope you take my post in kindness, as it is written with the utmost sincerity.

Best of luck to you, ladies. 

May 18, 2016

Deborah S.

Thank you for confirming about the spf Shannie and Rozberry, I did think that was so important and I'm actually glad that because of using a bha I'm sort of forced to wear spf everyday. :)

May 18, 2016

Rida S.

Oh wow! thank you for correcting me Rozberry. I have just only started to really invest in a proper skincare regime so reading up a lot. I hope readers read the entire thread before using the cheat sheet or shall I delete it? so that newbies (like myself) are not misled.

May 18, 2016

Roz X.

Not at all, Rida. It was helpful to you and to Deborah who was simply double checking for confirmation on the SPF with BHA. I think in your effort to be helpful, you are providing an opportunity for other people new to AHA/BHA to find out more info that isn't often shared on the board.

I think if someone never thought of trying chemical exfoliation maybe now that they know they can stimulate collagen, that it can help acne, it can benefit skin if you have dry or oily skin and maybe if they have a certain skin tone that needs evening out or lightening of scars, softening of fine lines and wrinkles or bumpy skin, they'll go and discuss what would work best with someone qualified to make that choice with them.

So you did a good thing! If you want to add a note to your post, you can edit it with an update, encouraging members to read the thread. But of course, if you are uncomfortable, then removing it is another option, but I think you are helping people...It's a talkable thread and we need more of those here in the forum. There's still more opportunity for this thread to teach all of us something and to get feedback or product recommendations...etc. Do whatever you are comfortable with; I respect either choice.

I want to thank you for being so kind about my post. It demonstrates class and sincerity in that you didn't take the defense. I hate coming in and correcting a post because I respect people's choices...I truly do. With these products, I just don't want any harm to be done or I would not have interjected. I would feel badly if someone brought home an AHA at the level I use, for example, and then didn't protect their lips or didn't use sunscreen or got it on their lids. It's a great thread and I hope you found it helpful and I hope MORE help is added to the thread because I know we have BHA users on the board, but I don't see many AHA discussions.

You can hit up my profile if you have any specific skin concerns that made you decide to chose an AHA. I may be able to help you find other AHA's if you decide they are compatible with your skin and I know Ms. Kitty, our lovely mod, is incredibly wise with acids and she may have some ideas on products to address your needs, as well as availability. She has long been remarkably helpful.

Not every skin does well with AHA; some prefer BHA. (My own skin, I have to watch the BHAs; but I do still use it in small doses) So, I would ease into any acid product, doing a test patch first, perhaps both behind the ear and on the underpart of the forum. Then, if all is well, begin using every 3rd day..working up usage as your skin dictates. Some people use these products daily without issue. Just listen to your skin and keep it protected...always.

I try to avoid fragrance, but if you are going to use the Pixi, it's 5% and zero alcohol, but it does have witch hazel, I believe, which can for some people increase dryness or bring on irritation...so watch your skin for that. Make sure you use your broad spectrum sun protection and keep your eyes open for options near you that maybe don't have a fragrance for next time you make a purchase. I would also use a soothing toner, alternating the toners, and one free from alcohol and witch hazel...or with minimal witch hazel if you have dry or sensitive skin and apply a moisturizer after toning with any product. (There are some nice ones with great SPF in them)

Again, thank you for being so sweet and even if I'm not posting, I usually check my profile now and again if you have any other concerns or questions. Take care. :)

May 18, 2016

Danielle O.

I use the pixie glow tonic and the alpha hydrox glycolic (AHA) serum. While the pixie tonic doesn't irritate my skin I do not think I will be repurchasing as it doesn't do much for me. If you want glowy skin a serum or pads will be much more effective than a low percentage toner. I also feel the toner isn't as effective as I slap moisturizer and makeup one it immediately after since its part of the basic wash and tone routine. I have read up a little on AHAs and it's good to let them sit for around 30 minutes before applying a moisturizer on. You don't want something to render is ineffective and change the pH. Then what's the point if it doesn't exfoliate?!

May 18, 2016

Danielle O.

Don't mind the typos*** darn phone
Rozberry, do you have an suggestions for a moisturizing toner? I'm thinking that will be the most helpful for my routine as the pixie glow tonic doesn't add anything.

May 18, 2016

Roz X.

If you have access to Paula's Choice, she has amazing toners to hydrate, with anti-aging, for even sensitive skin. I love my Alpha Hydrox. If you haven't tried the body lotion, it's phenomenal if your skin is AHA friendly. Drugstore.com has them for about $11, but I've seen it for $23-25 elsewhere. Soft as a baby and zero fragrance so your perfume isn't competing.

If you want great hydration...

Normal to Dry/Combo that runs more dry or Severely Dry/Medically Dry


Oily to Combo that leans more toward oily

May 18, 2016

Chelle W.

@Rozberry Thanks sooo much for all the info you just shared. Have you ever used MUAC peels?

May 18, 2016

Chelle W.

@Rida thank you for the original post, I was kind of hoping someone would get this topic going anyway lol.

May 19, 2016

Roz X.

Chelle, I'm sorry I have not. I use a variety of exfoliants, but don't exceed 15% at home as a preference. I have my Estie for facials and see my Derm to consult when I feel I may want a specific treatment...including certain types of peels. I really feel comfortable with my routine that way, but thank you for bringing those to my attention!

My routine is mostly hydrating, evening skin tone and focused on anti-aging. I have Psoriasis since childhood and use Retin A as well so a Derm is really important in chosing what avenue is safe to take for me. I find its much easier to have a great Estie's guidance on what I can comfortably and safely do myself at home. I've saved quite a bit of money by being very disciplined in maintenance between a treatment, such as a Pro peel, with gentle exfoliating routines, such as my trusty AHA goodies, as well as clinical strength favs from my Derm's store and then...devoting entire days to soothing, calming and hydrating. It's important to find that balance. I see skin two ways. Immediate results and then the long term investment. I am so glad you found this thread helpful and I'm sure Rida will be glad to know that.
All that money I save, I swear I spend on sunscreen! lol

May 19, 2016

Chelle W.

@Rozberry LOL I understand the sunscreen part. And yes I'm grateful to Rida. Thank you for being so descriptive! My skin is pretty smooth and soft since and my active acne is VERY limited since I started using MUAC's Lactic Acid Peel in 45%. I did speak with a derm but I did not get the treatment simply due to lack of funds lol. She was seriously charging an arm and a leg; but now you've got me thinking maybe I should invest into that rather than taking a chance - even though I am pretty thorough in research and I always ask her for advice first.
I have dry skin that is borderline dehydrated. As in, my skin is not oily but because it's dehydrated it can tend to have a sheen that constantly returns but when you touch my face it isn't oily at all. My focus right now is trying to hydrate my skin and get rid of hyperpigmentation and smooth my pores. By that I mean my pores aren't HUGE but they're noticeable when I wear foundation.
I am also a person of color on the melinated side so I have to be cautious of the peels I use due to all of those things. I found this thread to be super helpful

May 19, 2016

Rida S.

Oh I am so glad the post helped everyone! I will edit it once I have access to my laptop and request readers to read the entire thread and not rely just on the picture.

regarding Pixi Glow, my skincare routine is pretty basic so for me Pixi Glow is like a last step and I don't wear makeup regularly so the tonic stays on my skin for good.

Chelle, I have the same problems. I have otherwise fine skin; I just need to address the size of the pores and brighten the complexion and even it out. hence the Pixi tonic purchase.

I am going to order Paula's choice next since everyones raving about it. (my recent order fell through :( )

and Rozberry thank you so much for all your advice and the offer to help me. since I am about to order new stuff soon, I will get in touch with you asap!

all of you moderators are SO helpful! Hannah is helping me out at another post regarding cleansers. Thank you so much for all your help guys! I am sure I am not the only one here who truly appreciate it. :)

May 19, 2016

Chelle W.

Okay ladies, so I keep hearing all about this Pixi Glow Tonic but I have no idea what it is lol. It has got to be pretty amazing if everyone is talking about soo I'm going to do a little research and check this out lol.
Do you guys know if there's anywhere I can find coupon codes for Paula's Choice?

May 19, 2016

Rida S.

Chelle Paula's Choice has 20% off all exfoliants at USA website.

May 20, 2016

Chelle W.

thanks Rida!